How to get rid of pesky Republicans!


New Member
Maybe this would work on republicans Armed men have surrounded the hilltop hideaway at 255 Ridgecrest Road again. The fugitive, a break-in specialist, won't come out. "I want the s.o.b. to feel some pain," special agent Steve Searles tells two cops with pump shotguns. "I want you to put some hurt on him." Nothing happens when Searles fires his pistol. Nor when he bangs loudly on the porch with a baseball bat. He tries pepper spray, yelling, "Hey, hey, come on out of there! You can't stay there!"
Pandemonium reigns when the outlaw--800 lbs. of overfed, visibly upset black bear(substitute Republican)--emerges at a dead run from the basement crawl space. One cop fires orange paint, others rubber bullets. Searles shoots self-propelled flash-bang rockets. It may not seem so, but the "eviction" was meant kindly. California law permits the killing of bears caught in private homes. Folks in Mammoth Lakes, however, prefer a "bear spanking." "The meaner I can be," says Searles, who developed this kinder if not gentler approach, "the longer he'll live."
Ask anybody in this tiny (pop. 4,000) mountain ski resort town why you shouldn't feed wild bears, and you'll hear a rueful answer. They move in. For years the residents indulged the neighboring wild bears, treating them as entertainers. Restaurant owners left their garbage Dumpsters open so tourists would gather. Locals like Mammoth Times editor Wally Hofmann brought houseguests. "We'd sit in the car with a bowl of popcorn and wait to see a bear," he remembers. Then the bears stopped going home. They settled down to live in abandoned buildings and started having cubs.
Police Chief Michael Donnelly recalls standing by one night as "eight or nine bears climbed inside some Dumpsters and threw out food that coyotes fought over in a frenzy." He worried about children getting hurt. But killing pesky bears on public-safety grounds raised ethical problems. So he turned to Searles, a local glass contractor experienced in hunting and trapping who once solved a local coyote problem by killing a marauding pack's alpha males.
Searles, an intense, ponytailed Ichabod Crane figure, was asked to study the bears and suggest how everybody could get along. The contractor watched them dine at heavily trafficked Dumpsters for nearly a year. He discovered a culture of dominance in which some ate first and others waited. He watched bears urinate and defecate to mark territories. He consulted biologists, who explained that black bears instinctively climb trees rather than attack.
Searles wrote police agencies, arms manufacturers--and even the Chinese government--looking for scary, nonlethal weapons. His plan was to mix dominance, territorial marking and the animals' fear of confrontation to become, he explained to officials, the city's "baddest bear." Soon he began chasing bears from basements and out of school yards with rubber bullets, pepper spray and pistol-loaded screamer rockets. He shouted threats so each bear remembered him. After a bear left a house, Searles marked the den as off limits by sprinkling it with his own urine. "I get a lot of kidding about that," he admits.
By last year the bears were so settled into urban life that three generations of cubs had arrived. Several families had made homes inside the drainage pipes at the municipal golf course. (Searles calls one cub Par 3.) Stuffed with fatty high-protein garbage, sows were delivering bigger broods. Searles and city officials started pressuring residents and businesses to lock their Dumpsters; 118 remain unlocked, down from 350. The urban bear count has dropped from 40 to 30. "They get less to eat," says Searles, "and we see less bears."
Searles' "bad bear" campaign has had an impact as well. "These bears are learning that this is our den," explains Chief Donnelly. "You can pass through, but you can't forage for food here." Searles proudly asserts that his furry charges are better behaved and safer. "If you see a bear(Republican) here, he'll run," he says. "We've restored their natural fear of humans."
Walking morning rounds recently, Searles noticed bear tracks in fresh snow near the golf course. He has become an ursine eco-evangelist. "This is the year 2000," he says, "and authorities still kill bears that did nothing wrong. My ambition is to change this." The gangly contractor adds, "Bears have shown they can adapt to us. Why can't we adapt to them?" Within the range of a middling seven-iron shot, at least four bears are adapting.


Well-Known Member
Hi med, If republicans are black bears, then certainly democrats are grizzly bears!.....bigger, badder, and even more voracious consumers of political pork![FONT=&quot][/FONT]


New Member
Hmmm ... I think Democrats more resemble the weasel. You know ... speaking out of one side of the mouth, while intending to do something else entirely. Like: "Let's raise the minimum wage and help the working poor." And once the minimum wage is raised, the working poor pay more for their goods and services, while the unskilled cannot find jobs.



Well-Known Member
They all resemble cock roaches. Turn the light on and they all run to their dark damp corners.


Well-Known Member
Hi med, If republicans are black bears, then certainly democrats are grizzly bears!.....bigger, badder, and even more voracious consumers of political pork![FONT=&quot][/FONT]
In comparison to what? Republicans have been in power for the past 12 years and if records show anything the pork that the republicans have consumed over that period of time makes the democratic party has consumed 40 years pale in comparison.

Hmmm ... I think Democrats more resemble the weasel. You know ... speaking out of one side of the mouth, while intending to do something else entirely. Like: "Let's raise the minimum wage and help the working poor." And once the minimum wage is raised, the working poor pay more for their goods and services, while the unskilled cannot find jobs.

Sorry Vi but it seems that you are out of touch as well, Even today Rush Limbaugh (your hero) was praising the US citizens who were taking the jobs lost by the illegal’s at the Swift meat packing plants once they offered a raise in the salary and some actual medical benefits...

Your bucket don't hold any water.

They all resemble cock roaches. Turn the light on and they all run to their dark damp corners.

You got that shit right.


New Member
Hmmm ... I think Democrats more resemble the weasel. You know ... speaking out of one side of the mouth, while intending to do something else entirely. Like: "Let's raise the minimum wage and help the working poor." And once the minimum wage is raised, the working poor pay more for their goods and services, while the unskilled cannot find jobs.

I really think you need Glasses and hearing aids, as you are not dealing with reality, must be that the news is not getting through!


Well-Known Member
Hey Dankdude,
First let me state that IMO, dems and repubs are both scurrilous betrayers of the public trust.....They are both virulent vermin that need to be eliminated.
Seems to me you think I'm defending republicans.
Your contention that republicans are responsible for more pork and profligate spending is demonstrably absurd....the dems originated The Great Society and the New Deal! Holy Cow, where did you get this idea?
What has transpired in the recent years of republican control is simply that most self anointed conservative repubs have morphed into spendthrift dems who love big Government! They have forsaken any support of conservative values or ideas......RINOs
A pox on both their houses!....bahhh ,humbug....we've gotta get rid of both of these parties.....throw these bums out!


Well-Known Member
My contention was based on the fact that the republicans were blatant and didn't even try to hide their pork. Also the Pork brought out by the republicans was much larger in scale... although they always have to compare to the New Deal... But Historically you have to look at the New Deal, It was what was needed at the time


New Member
"But Historically you have to look at the New Deal, It was what was needed at the time"

How does that squrare with the fact that there were more unemployed at the start of FDR's third term than at the beginning of his first term? All of those unconstitutional programs intended to end the depression did not have the intended effect. Instead, they increased the power and the scope of the federal government. Like I said ... weasels.



New Member
"But Historically you have to look at the New Deal, It was what was needed at the time"

How does that squrare with the fact that there were more unemployed at the start of FDR's third term than at the beginning of his first term? All of those unconstitutional programs intended to end the depression did not have the intended effect. Instead, they increased the power and the scope of the federal government. Like I said ... weasels.

Vi[/q Hey Vi, you were a kid, or maybe even not born when FDR (The greatest president of modern times) enacted his work programs. FDR cared about the Human condition, unlike Hoover whom he replaced. Do you know there were cardboard shacks on the grass surrounding the lincoln memorial and the washington monument when Hoover was in. Hooverville shanties I believe they were called. Roosevelt started us on the climb out of the depression with the WPA, of course the real catalyst was WWII, But with any more of your libertarian governance, ALA Hoover, we probably would be a third world nation. Herbert Hoover was the epitomy of the Libertarian movement. Looking out for corporations and big money, while the little guys ate shit. I believe this is your almighty motto, Fuck the poor, they're not smart enough to deserve any better. FDR saved America and there is no refuting this that makes one bit of sense, Do you ever wonder where we would be today without FDR. There would be Masters and slaves, I think this is what you envision for your world, anyway thats my two cents worth, Rant away!


New Member
I think you, Med ... and you Dank, need to read a bit of history on the Great Depression and FDR's influence on it besides that which was formulated by socialist historians.

The fact remains ... there were more unemployed at the start of FDR's third term than were unemployed at the beginning of his first term. Prove me wrong.



Well-Known Member
Vi I majored in History in High School, Long before the Libs started the Revisionist History...

In Context FDR did the right thing. Vi you have to look at history from the context of the times, and put down Ayn Rand for a second..

Also the only reason there was such unemployment was, Besides it was not the New Deal legislation that caused the unemployment, it was the Second New Deal legislation that caused it. I can concede that the Second New Deal legislation was not needed, but it was needed the first time around..

Quit calling FDR a Socialist, he hated Stalin and everything he stood for with a passion.


New Member
If FDR was anything, he was a popularist.
Yes, you are correct ... FDR was a socialist, but not the Soviet Union type. He leaned more toward the facist type of socialist. *lol*

And, if you are the age you say you are ... the history revisionist movement was well into place when you were in high school.

And ... the fact that I am an Ayn Rand fan has nothing to do with the unemployment rates during the presidential terms of FDR. The fact remains that there were more unemployed during FDRs third term than at the beginning of his first term. His WPA projects did nothing to solve the unemployment problems of the time. WWII did that in spades.



Well-Known Member
So what you are saying is if the economy takes a downturn, just start a war and it solves everything? Kind of what happened with the current administration.


New Member
No, what I'm saying is that the Great Depression was caused by government's interference in the natural market cycles. This would include the role the Federal Reserve had in it too with their monetary manipulations leading up to the depression.
