How to get rid of pesky Republicans!


Well-Known Member
It's always a fight with Vi. No matter what I say he riles against it, It's almost comical. If I said white is white, he'd say no it's black and then it's on!
More like Chevy Chase and Jane Curtain on the old Saturday Night Live doing the Point / Counter Point bit..... "Jane you ignorant slut!"


Well-Known Member
Vi I majored in History in High School, Long before the Libs started the Revisionist History...

In Context FDR did the right thing. Vi you have to look at history from the context of the times, and put down Ayn Rand for a second..

Also the only reason there was such unemployment was, Besides it was not the New Deal legislation that caused the unemployment, it was the Second New Deal legislation that caused it. I can concede that the Second New Deal legislation was not needed, but it was needed the first time around..

Quit calling FDR a Socialist, he hated Stalin and everything he stood for with a passion.
I don't believe FDR was a socialist.
FDR did NOT hate Stalin. Him, old Joe, and Wiston were drinking buddies. Read a little more history on this and you will see.


Well-Known Member
More than likely the unemployment rose for two reasons. Doesn't matter as you pointed out WWII ended the unemployment problem. It also insured the position of the rich manufactures. We sold bonds to pay for the war, all the little folks bought them and the rich got richer. They liked it so well they started looking for wars. They called it a cold war, it heated up in spots here and there, and we were convinced in order to maintain 'our American Way Of Life', we had to protect and defend the world.
We made the dollar the standard. Now we are broke and the rest of the world wants their share of their countries profits, shame on them. Don't they realize that we made it all possible??
It's funny, the countries I have visited all like the American People, it's our government they have a problem with. Why?? VV