How to get rid of pesky Republicans!


New Member
No, what I'm saying is that the Great Depression was caused by government's interference in the natural market cycles. This would include the role the Federal Reserve had in it too with their monetary manipulations leading up to the depression.

Just out of curiosity, what do you think Of Bushs' fiscal policies. If you see them as a great panacea for our country, I'll be convinced you've gone over to la-la land. Sometimes you post shit just to be opposite of any meaningful suppositions. I'm starting to wonder about you! How anyone can smack down FDR for bringing the country out of the great depression is totally unbelievable. I can only wish you would have been living in a Hooverville shanty, then you might see the light! Do you have any Idea of the courage that man had to put his disabilities on the back burner and work to better America, Unfuckingbelievable!


New Member
"Just out of curiosity, what do you think Of Bushs' fiscal policies."

Why do you even need to ask? I've posted what I think of Bush's lack of a veto pen many times here in the forum. Do you actually read my posts, or do you just react?

"How anyone can smack down FDR for bringing the country out of the great depression is totally unbelievable."

The fact is ... FDR did NOT bring the country out of the depression. Again, there were more unemployed at the start of his third term than there was at the beginning of his first term. I've asked you and Dankdude to prove me wrong on this issue, but to date, neither of you have.

"Do you have any Idea of the courage that man had to put his disabilities on the back burner and work to better America..."

Your belief in revisionist history is actually quite laughable, Med.


PS: Can you make a post without a personal attack in it ... or is that simply beyond you?


New Member
PS: Can you make a post without a personal attack in it ... or is that simply beyond you?

And again, no substance, no facts, no proof ... just obfuscate, yell, cuss, rant, rave and then change the subject. Such a typical leftist, that Med. Hey, don't make me laugh, my lips are chapped.



New Member
Med ...

A "depression" is usually measured by the numbers of unemployed. You've stated repeatedly that Roosevelt's make-work programs "got us out of the depression." Again, have you found any figures that are contrary to mine regarding the unemployment during FDR's first term, as opposed to the unemployed at the start of his third term?


PS: Just wondering if you've actually researched what you spew here, or if your are just spewing revisionist history as most of uninformed Americans do.


New Member
Above Vi was providing some good points and you guys accused him of personal attacks....
Correcto Mundo ... and that is very typical of liberals who have no substance to their thoughts. There's an old joke that goes something like this:

The answering machine message at the White House:

"If you are a conservative calling, please press one and tell us what you THINK."

"If you are a liberal calling, please press two and tell us what you FEEL."



Well-Known Member
Lol... and to think that before tonight I avoided these political threads. It's a shame I am dry and slamming beers otherwise I could probably contribute more!


New Member
Lol... and to think that before tonight I avoided these political threads. It's a shame I am dry and slamming beers otherwise I could probably contribute more!
Geeze I wish I could help you out, I've got a few oz.s of the finest bud around, white widow, and I don't smoke very much, tried it, it rocks!


New Member
Uhhh ... staying on topic, here's the question again:

Med ...

A "depression" is usually measured by the numbers of unemployed. You've stated repeatedly that Roosevelt's make-work programs "got us out of the depression." Again, have you found any figures that are contrary to mine regarding the unemployment during FDR's first term, as opposed to the unemployed at the start of his third term?



Well-Known Member
Vi, don't hold your breath waiting for a reasoned response from mr med!
Unless, of course, you have a lungful of primo ganja smoke bro!


New Member
*lol* ... I think yer right, Wavels. Hey, we're dealing with a guy who claims he harvested an elbow from three scrawney plants. Next thing he'll say is that the huge yield is because he was using Advanced Nutrients. I mean, if Med will believe what Edwards says ... he'll believe anything, right?



New Member
*lol* ... I think yer right, Wavels. Hey, we're dealing with a guy who claims he harvested an elbow from three scrawney plants. Next thing he'll say is that the huge yield is because he was using Advanced Nutrients. I mean, if Med will believe what Edwards says ... he'll believe anything, right?

You guys need to find a motel and have the fling of a lifetime, because you're gettin nowhere here. Ask me if I care about your crazy posts. It's obvious you don't really have lives. Even if I tried to be civil to your posts, it wouldn't last a week, so why bother! BTW how do you know how many plants I really have or how much of a yeild I'll get, It may be less than a pound, I was just using that to impress that person. And for you to say that my smoke will be shit, how nice of you. You never make demeaning statements, right. Just because I call a spade a spade you tremble and respond with idiotic reprisals. so ---- ---!


New Member
"BTW how do you know how many plants I really have or how much of a yeild I'll get, It may be less than a pound, I was just using that to impress that person."

AhHa ... I see. So, you were being less than truthful in an attempt to baffle and amaze, eh? In these parts we call that "Slinging Bullshit." Down thar in Texas whar the Pres-e-dant, and the Dankster is from, thay call them "Fightin' Words," Boy.

"Just because I call a spade a spade ..."

Nope, you call a rake a spade and then expect us all to believe it. When asked why you are calling a rake a spade, your silence is deafening.

Again, Med ... how can you say that FDR's make-work-programs ended the depression, when there were more unemployed at the start of his third term than there were at the beginning of his first term?

See what I mean? In this case, you called a rake a spade ... and now you can't/won't explain why ... or can/will you?



New Member
See what I mean? In this case, you called a rake a spade ... and now you can't/won't explain why ... or can/will you?

ViLook I'm tired of the FDR thing. I'm not going to argue with you about him any more. I have no Idea if the unemployment was worse or not, if you have documentation I'll have to believe you. That was not the gist of my tenet. The gist was FDR was a great president because he gave the people hope in the middle of despair and by providing make work jobs and other fiscal decisions, he put the country back on its feet. You can nitpick him if you like, but he did what he did and the country is better off for it! People like me that never had a chance to save huge amounts of money for retirement would be double fucked right now without SS. I realize you don't need it. I'll offer this to ya, send it to me, I'd appreciate it!


New Member
LOL... me too.. I stared to write a post,,, and then decided I was to much of a pussy to be in this mess... but it looks like a fun mud fight... :hump:
It's always a fight with Vi. No matter what I say he riles against it, It's almost comical. If I said white is white, he'd say no it's black and then it's on!


New Member
Med ...

Here's what's happening in the forum when it comes to you: You make false claims like this one:

The gist was FDR was a great president because he gave the people hope in the middle of despair and by providing make work jobs and other fiscal decisions, he put the country back on its feet.

And then, when challenged on your premises, you clam up because you cannot defend your statements. All you are doing is spewing out progressive nonsense. I've found over the years that the only way to set the record straight with folks like you is to question your statements. The problem is, when those statements are questioned, because you don't have any depth in your positions, you resort to name calling, personal attacks and attempted subject changes. You are a typical, left-wing progressive who cannot stand the light of day. Face it.
