Insomniacs Unite!!!!

Matt Rize

Alright guys, like seriously SERIOUSLY, what is the first step to decriminalizing cannabis in my state (Texas)?
an atomic bomb wiping out the hateful conservatives who run the state, that would have to be followed by paying us liberal coastal folks to re-inhabit the atomic wasteland that Texas would be after the extermination of the hate filled conservative christian population.


Well-Known Member
Well it's gonna take me like four years. I'm gonna go to a community college four two years so it isn't too expensive.. I also got some money from the government.

After that I gotta transfer to a four year collee for two years (lol).. That's gonna be expensive.. But I should have some scholarships by then. Each semester at my community college is 877 dollars.. Not including books.


Well-Known Member
that's great. good for u. i have a bachelors but i bet it would take me 3 years because the majority of my classes wouldn't transfer or be relevant. i definitely can't afford any more debt though. i would have to have a grant to go back to school and that's not going to happen. it's so sad that people can't affdord to pull themselves out of their hole in this country. luckily, i make good money working freelance but more debt would just strain me too much. payin ddebts is the most stressful thing to me.


Well-Known Member
Im rubbing neosporin on my knuckles lol. 10 years without falling off a bike and that streak ended today.. I got too high and started thinking way too much on basic human functions, next thing I knew I was flying towards the ground with my clenched fist right in front of me. I got a huge gash on my right hand knuckles now.. It should heal by the end of the month haha.


Well-Known Member
I dated a nurse a few years back. She didn't start school till her 30's. She kicked ass and got through it and specialized in hip replacements or something like that.
She made bank. It's a great career to get into.