Is This Nute Burn?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if anyone could offer any advice - Got a few girls on the go, and all the fan leaves seem to be going like the one in the picture.

It happened like a day or so after watering with 2ml/l of biogrow and 3ml/l of bio bloom. Before this they had only had 1ml/l of each in one watering, as they never showed any deficiencies and were re-potted twice. Oh and they had 4.5 weeks veg and in week 4 of flowering i think.

It started off slow and i assumed it was nute burn, but then i read a few contradictory things on nute burn, so i'm not sure if it's a deficiency or what, but it is happening to all but a few of my girls on almost every fan leaf.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
Hellz yes it is... a combo of that and cal/mag deficiency. Nute burn usually starts at the tip as shown in that beat up leaf pic. dilute your nute soup ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Hellz yes it is... a combo of that and cal/mag deficiency. Nute burn usually starts at the tip as shown in that beat up leaf pic. dilute your nute soup ASAP.
Well they have been watered twice now with just plain water, and it seems to be continuing.. it looks quite like a potassium or manganese deficiency from looking at that chart.. but they look similar to nute burn..


Active Member
this is phosphorus deficiency. not sure about your nutrient brand as a haven't used it, but i go with about 2 tsp per gallon of botanicare nutrients and my shedule is feed-feed-water to prevent nutrient toxicity. 1 tsp nutrient is probably not gonna cut it for mature plants.


Well-Known Member
that's a calmag issue.. And yes Im gonna repeat this again. As peat breaks down it becomes acidic, which in turn lowers ph Which in turn locks out magnesium. If there is a way to test your soils ph im willing to bet its pretty low. Nex grow premix some dolomite lime into your soil and it will keep your ph buffered alot longer then whats added by the soil manuf, also gives them an extra boost of calcium and magnesium


Active Member
that's a calmag issue.. And yes Im gonna repeat this again. As peat breaks down it becomes acidic, which in turn lowers ph Which in turn locks out magnesium. If there is a way to test your soils ph im willing to bet its pretty low. Nex grow premix some dolomite lime into your soil and it will keep your ph buffered alot longer then whats added by the soil manuf, also gives them an extra boost of calcium and magnesium
the purple stems may be cal-mag, but the purplish brown and shitty curling leaves are curling cuz the new growth is sucking phosphorus from the old growth. a magnesium deficiency looks similar to an iron deficiency, neither of which are represented here. calcium deficiency in the leaves is generally expressed as brown spotting along the leaf edges, and purple brittle stems. this is definitely a phosphorus issue. you could be partially correct though, as a mild ph imbalance could cause this issue. if the ph is high, say above 6.5, phosphorus is locked out.


Well-Known Member
Well they have been watered twice now with just plain water, and it seems to be continuing.. it looks quite like a potassium or manganese deficiency from looking at that chart.. but they look similar to nute burn..
Yes that is the correct assessment. Read up what Max said you have already flushed so you should be able to resume nutes ( make sure your PH is correct)but I would reduce by half until you see signs of repair. Read up on foliar and do that as well ASAP it will take a few days for a significant change but it will come..Future ref take pics of the whole plant along the leaf it helps


Well-Known Member
o i didn't see any purple stems, but then again im super duper fried right now.. Maybe i shouldn't be getting all baked out and trying to give advice. No more bong hits today for me

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
I had this problem many times and it always started about the 4th week of flower. Its was always salt build up in my soil and until i started flushing in the 2nd or 3rd week of flower it would happen everytime.
I would suggest giving it a good flush and start over instead of trying to add just the right thing. If you have a PPM meter it will help you know how many gallons to run through it.
Do you use FFOF by any chance?


Well-Known Member
o i didn't see any purple stems, but then again im super duper fried right now.. Maybe i shouldn't be getting all baked out and trying to give advice. No more bong hits today for me
LOL yes a good idea Max Yes there was purple in the stems but if you fix the other 2 you fix the other 1.


Well-Known Member
watering twice with plain water is not flushing.

test your soil ph: put 1 part soil from near the root, and 5 parts water (say, 20ml soil, 100ml water), mix thoroughly and wait an hour or two. see what the pH is. also measure runoff pH.

prepare water at three times the volume of your pot and adjust their pH to 6.5 or higher than that if your soil is acidic (lower if alkaline). water that.

on the next watering start giving nutes again. but not so strong - you upped your dosage too fast which caused chemical imbalance (but not nute burn). take it easy with the feeding, be gentle.


Well-Known Member
Arrggh multi quote didn't work and i'm too high to try again lol

Thanks for all the replies guys, so from what everyone's said, it's either Phosphorus deficiency or calcium deficiency, if i'm reading correctly...

The girls need watering tonight so i'm going to give them 1ml/l of grow and 1ml/l of bloom.

I looked today and it's started on the ones that were completely fine, some of them are pretty crispy, nearly all the fan leaves totally fucked, strange thing is there seems to be no correlation with amount of damaged leaves and progress of budding, which is odd..

Does anyone know how badly this will effect the growth of the girls?

I was also thinking about getting some cal-mag (no idea where from though, is this organic or are there organic alternatives btw?) and foliar feeding them tomorrow as well, although i know nothing of foliar feeding currently.

Cheers :)

Oh and Dr Gruber, i'm not even sure what that is lol

edit - i forgot to mention, for various reasons, flushing is impracticable at the moment

Also forgot to say, pH runoff has been low, from about 5.8 i think, but now it's about 6.0, and we have stopped pH ing the water so it's going in at 7.4 coming out 6, maybe more than 6 now i will check it tonight

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
Arrggh multi quote didn't work and i'm too high to try again lol

Thanks for all the replies guys, so from what everyone's said, it's either Phosphorus deficiency or calcium deficiency, if i'm reading correctly...

The girls need watering tonight so i'm going to give them 1ml/l of grow and 1ml/l of bloom.

I looked today and it's started on the ones that were completely fine, some of them are pretty crispy, nearly all the fan leaves totally fucked, strange thing is there seems to be no correlation with amount of damaged leaves and progress of budding, which is odd..

Does anyone know how badly this will effect the growth of the girls?

I was also thinking about getting some cal-mag (no idea where from though, is this organic or are there organic alternatives btw?) and foliar feeding them tomorrow as well, although i know nothing of foliar feeding currently.

Cheers :)

Oh and Dr Gruber, i'm not even sure what that is lol

edit - i forgot to mention, for various reasons, flushing is impracticable at the moment

Also forgot to say, pH runoff has been low, from about 5.8 i think, but now it's about 6.0, and we have stopped pH ing the water so it's going in at 7.4 coming out 6, maybe more than 6 now i will check it tonight
Sorry...FFOF = Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil.


Well-Known Member
Arrggh multi quote didn't work and i'm too high to try again lol

Thanks for all the replies guys, so from what everyone's said, it's either Phosphorus deficiency or calcium deficiency, if i'm reading correctly...

The girls need watering tonight so i'm going to give them 1ml/l of grow and 1ml/l of bloom.

I looked today and it's started on the ones that were completely fine, some of them are pretty crispy, nearly all the fan leaves totally fucked, strange thing is there seems to be no correlation with amount of damaged leaves and progress of budding, which is odd..

Does anyone know how badly this will effect the growth of the girls?

I was also thinking about getting some cal-mag (no idea where from though, is this organic or are there organic alternatives btw?) and foliar feeding them tomorrow as well, although i know nothing of foliar feeding currently.

Cheers :)

Oh and Dr Gruber, i'm not even sure what that is lol

edit - i forgot to mention, for various reasons, flushing is impracticable at the moment

Also forgot to say, pH runoff has been low, from about 5.8 i think, but now it's about 6.0, and we have stopped pH ing the water so it's going in at 7.4 coming out 6, maybe more than 6 now i will check it tonight
I think without flushing you are risking your yield. I would try to make it practicable :)


Active Member
I think without flushing you are risking your yield. I would try to make it practicable :)
i agree. if you added more nutrients last feed and you're seeing damage on previously healthy plants, your soil's ph is outta whack. sometimes it can be extreme too, i've flushed plants in the past and the runoff water has been as low as a terrifying 3.2, and as high as 7. flush it with 1.5 times the volume of the container with plain water, and you should see an improvement.


Well-Known Member
i agree. if you added more nutrients last feed and you're seeing damage on previously healthy plants, your soil's ph is outta whack. sometimes it can be extreme too, i've flushed plants in the past and the runoff water has been as low as a terrifying 3.2, and as high as 7. flush it with 1.5 times the volume of the container with plain water, and you should see an improvement.
In their whole 7-8 week life, however long it's been, they've only been given nutes twice, organic nutes as well, one was 1ml/l of grow and 1ml/l of bloom, and other was 2 and 3 ml/l

Also, the soil has always been a light mix, they have been repotted twice though and were a healthy green all through veg and first week or so of flowering with 0 nutes added.

So surely it wouldn't be necessary to flush them when they have had heavy watering's twice with plain water since, and such few nutes overall..

pH run off is about 6 btw

The more i look into it, the more convinced i am that it's not nute burn.

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
In their whole 7-8 week life, however long it's been, they've only been given nutes twice, organic nutes as well, one was 1ml/l of grow and 1ml/l of bloom, and other was 2 and 3 ml/l

Also, the soil has always been a light mix, they have been repotted twice though and were a healthy green all through veg and first week or so of flowering with 0 nutes added.

So surely it wouldn't be necessary to flush them when they have had heavy watering's twice with plain water since, and such few nutes overall..

pH run off is about 6 btw

The more i look into it, the more convinced i am that it's not nute burn.
Thats why i asked about the Fox farm soil as it has alot of nutes in it already. I have let my plants go all the way through veg with no nutes added and then when i give them a little bit in flower the same thing happens to me. I checked the run off and my PPM levels were over 2000 with me hardly adding anything. I stilll say flush-flush-flush and do it quick before it too late. Basicly its like starting over. You bring the levels down and then add 1/2 or 1/4 strength nutes and correct the problems that way instead of adding things and possibly adding the wrong thing. Its just safer.