Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Don't start. If you are certain that I am wrong than prove it and if you are just talking shit than I won't stop you. I would have you read but I sense antagonism brewing. Articulating a non-linear concept would require readers willing to become confused for a bit certainly. You can take it or leave it....I put it out there because it interests me and I am creative as an occupation. Quantum theory and the Tao are worth probing if you want to see confusion as it pertains here.

My brother....
I knew you would come around. It's hard at the top...I mean, nobody wants to listen anyhow....especially when you are right or self-assured. Regardless, I had fun fighting with you last week. -No Respect

No respect intended of course
I don't take sides or carry grudges
So if we had disagreements last week
I hardly remember last week and I barely remember any one here

Most I don't pay attention with whom I spar. Not risen to that level, sorry

So I agree with some person this week certainly DOES NOT mean I am coming around to a point of view or other

I just liked the way it was said

(No) peace
Speak on that...I just like to envision strangers in bed with dead horses, to cyber-shush, and taking sides while remembering to remember to hold a grudge. Do you get hate mail?
Don't start. If you are certain that I am wrong than prove it and if you are just talking shit than I won't stop you. I would have you read but I sense antagonism brewing. Articulating a non-linear concept would require readers willing to become confused for a bit certainly. You can take it or leave it....I put it out there because it interests me and I am creative as an occupation. Quantum theory and the Tao are worth probing if you want to see confusion as it pertains here.

"quantum theory" is the new woo, used to "explain" shit far beyond it's actual scope.

actual quantum theory, which is still only theory, appertains to the interactions of sub-atomic particles and forces too small to measure. it has no evidence to support itself in the newtonian universe beyond the logical consistency of the mathematic models.

the Dao is a religious system based on ancestral worship and the chinese zodiac, it is not, nor was it ever scientific in nature.

religions of any stripe are useless when examining science, or even logic, since they are all based on assumptions which can be neither proved nor disproved.

you may freely believe anything you like, but without evidence to support it, you cannot expect others to embrace your beliefs, and getting butthurt because youre previous post (which was really just profound sounding gibberish) left those of us looking for FACTS limp, is self-defeating.

i believe many things based on religious principles which cannot be explained scientifically, but recognizing that assertions based on religious opinion hold no water outside their religious context, i do not offer those beliefs as evidence to explain scientific principles.

religious observances and beliefs are best kept to their proper sphere, and among the faithful, so espousing the burning of Lucky Money to please Qin Ser Huang Di, the Celestial Emperor, Pyramid Power in honour of Horus The Vigilant One, dancing daked on the Solstice in praise of Cernunnos, slaughtering a goat in honor of Yaweh, ritual bloodlettings to please Xipitoltec, The Flayed God or cutting open your forehead in praise of allah will convince nobody save those who already believe the same way as you.

keep to the sciences and observable repeatable evidence based statements and we can advance the understanding of the subject.

otherwise we will merelyt start a pissing match between various religious beliefs and the non-believers
I respect your intelligence and I am not religious. Do me a favor and don't tell me what category everything falls into and what holds water in a scientific can't know what I have seen to be repeatable and/or statistically significant. The gibberish is what everybody calls what they don't understand and I don't mean to condescend. The Tao is not a religion as quantum is not science right? If I were to know that will and intent is measurable would these defined spaces that took you so long to stuff your reality into change shape? It does not matter, FACTS without an observer are not facts at all. I take what I say seriously and I utilize science based assertions. See whatever you want to in what I say if it helps you. I do not care really. You WILL see my positions validated by science if time is on your side....that is a fact.
I respect your intelligence and I am not religious. Do me a favor and don't tell me what category everything falls into and what holds water in a scientific can't know what I have seen to be repeatable and/or statistically significant. The gibberish is what everybody calls what they don't understand and I don't mean to condescend. The Tao is not a religion as quantum is not science right? If I were to know that will and intent is measurable would these defined spaces that took you so long to stuff your reality into change shape? It does not matter, FACTS without an observer are not facts at all. I take what I say seriously and I utilize science based assertions. See whatever you want to in what I say if it helps you. I do not care really. You WILL see my positions validated by science if time is on your side....that is a fact.

How about scientific law, and not theory re: what's in bold?
Explain Scientific law beyond what I have. What are you asking? what are you poorly articulating?

I see you've failed to understand a simple answer to your own statement. Part of your rambling:

" Do me a favor and don't tell me what category everything falls into and what holds water in a scientific setting"

Scientific law is all that holds weight in terms of 'solid proof'. As for poor articulation, there was nothing to misinterpret in my statement. As an aside, for being semi-intelligent.. I was pretty sure I wouldn't have to walk you through the flow of logic required to understand it.
Continue beyond to part you highlighted. Observable, repeatable, statistically significant....that is the scientific law. Technology heightens our ability to observe thus what holds water shifts. You are lazy boss...
Continue beyond to part you highlighted. Observable, repeatable, statistically significant....that is the scientific law. Technology heightens our ability to observe thus what holds water shifts. You are lazy boss...

I read all of it, it seemed that you were looking for 'theory'-based discussion to be included as something at least semi-definite in your previous posts, unless I completely misinterpreted the implied tone based on previous word choices, which very well could be the case.
I respect your intelligence and I am not religious. Do me a favor and don't tell me what category everything falls into and what holds water in a scientific can't know what I have seen to be repeatable and/or statistically significant. The gibberish is what everybody calls what they don't understand and I don't mean to condescend. The Tao is not a religion as quantum is not science right? If I were to know that will and intent is measurable would these defined spaces that took you so long to stuff your reality into change shape? It does not matter, FACTS without an observer are not facts at all. I take what I say seriously and I utilize science based assertions. See whatever you want to in what I say if it helps you. I do not care really. You WILL see my positions validated by science if time is on your side....that is a fact.

the Dao IS religious. it is one of the oldest continuously practiced religions on the planet, but it is still a religion, based on assumptions of a metaphysical world which is inexplicable to science.

when science attempts to incorporate ANY religious beliefs it stops being science.

the statement above is full of anger and butthurt, which is a direct response to having religious views questioned, not a result of scientific discourse.

and to the meat of your statement above, quantum theory IS science, just a very new and largely untestable one. embracing this theory as truth, beyond question is also a form of faith, and faith in what is inexplicable is the definition of religion.

claiming to be non-religious, yet asserting that Daoism is truth, is contradictory and illogical.
The Life Force, future seers, can't stand nit-picky and submissiveness....why is that? And pretty bossy.

The life force in my plants told me to sit back and have a smoke with some coffee while I get caught up on a bit of reading on soil physics, and things related to herbicide action and metabolism.
the Dao IS religious. it is one of the oldest continuously practiced religions on the planet, but it is still a religion, based on assumptions of a metaphysical world which is inexplicable to science. when science attempts to incorporate ANY religious beliefs it stops being science. the statement above is full of anger and butthurt, which is a direct response to having religious views questioned, not a result of scientific discourse. and to the meat of your statement above, quantum theory IS science, just a very new and largely untestable one. embracing this theory as truth, beyond question is also a form of faith, and faith in what is inexplicable is the definition of religion. claiming to be non-religious, yet asserting that Daoism is truth, is contradictory and illogical.
I call bullshit!!!