Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Continue beyond to part you highlighted. Observable, repeatable, statistically significant....that is the scientific law. Technology heightens our ability to observe thus what holds water shifts. You are lazy boss...

None of the close spaced babble so far points to Observable, repeatable, statistically significant. Taoism as you know, pontificates that Universal Energy is Conscious.

No proof of that. And that is the basis of all relgion, imo, since, I think religion spread east, collided with the Aryan, One God concept in the Indus and re-bounded as Buddism spreading back East and One God or, in Greek, Kristos spreading West. Krishna myth spread South from the initial Aryan contact about 4500 years ago. But, all is religion and all attributes, in some way or another, that the Universal Energy is not only Alive, Conscious, Intelligent, but, all Powerful, All Knowing and Beyond Time and Space, Lord of all Worlds. Believe me I can chant more of this stuff in Sanskrit or Hebrew.

But this Energy and will also take sides, if you ask nice...beg like. Has an imperative that only you clam as FACT. Preposterous, with no basis what so ever, except old stories of the experience of Joy describable to you as a Higher Force.

Tao is Religion and may be the root of relgion as far as I'm concerned. But that doesn't make the Energy alive.
Put my words in strengthens the merit of whatever position all you petty followers bastardize. Actually, there is proof of that....that is exactly the case. Look MENSA.....I participated in a long term study conducted by published physicists testing a technology that measured the effect of consciousness on matter. I saw it first your fiction.
I've had that for quite some time now. And, I'm also aware of in certain circles of Kabala and Numerology being attempted to be linked with Physics.

You can't prove it, as you have said as much. You claim it will become a future fact.

It is fine, but being a trained physicist as it pertains to computer science, I can tell you this, you may overlay Tao on what we now call Physics. But, that's it. Conjecture.

Your study was fun I'm sure. But, had it resulted in your objective, repeatable, observable by all, and Double Blind finding, you would not need to show me. I have plenty of effort into this, a lifetime. I would already be aware. (still willing to be surprised, however)
I call bullshit!!!

bullshit on what in specific?

the Dao being a religion?

rel;igion being based on an assuption which can be neither tested nor proved or disproved?

religion being poisonous to science?

quantum theory being largely untestable?

or that asserting that you are non religious but Daoism is truth is inconsistent and illogical?

each of these statements is FACTUAL, particularly the last. if you could PROVE Daoism to be true, then only a real dolt would refuse to embrace it. after all the Celestial Emperor is a awesome, Sun Wu Kong is a badass, and Ma Xing Wu has peaches that grant immortality. if thats all totally factual and 100% true, then ill convert and embrace the Dao. fuck, ill build a shrine to Guan Di in my livingroom.
I've had that for quite some time now. And, I'm also aware of in certain circles of Kabala and Numerology being attempted to be linked with Physics. You can't prove it, as you have said as much. You claim it will become a future fact. It is fine, but being a trained physicist as it pertains to computer science, I can tell you this, you may overlay Tao on what we now call Physics. But, that's it. Conjecture. Your study was fun I'm sure. But, had it resulted in your objective, repeatable, observable by all, and Double Blind finding, you would not need to show me. I have plenty of effort into this, a lifetime. I would already be aware. (still willing to be surprised, however) i
It was not fun at all. The test was work...intensive, focused, and long term. It is not visible without the developed aptitude. All the parameters for experimental integrity were met by an intellectual pool that I choose to trust beyond yours. I recommended a book to are reaching now. Save this, it will help your shitty memory when the time comes. You will be surprised.
It was not fun at all. The test was work...intensive, focused, and long term. It is not visible without the developed aptitude. All the parameters for experimental integrity were met by an intellectual pool that I choose to trust beyond yours. I recommended a book to are reaching now. Save this, it will help your shitty memory when the time comes. You will be surprised.

what is all this jbber jabber ?!!! it is pretty funny. you are an advanced, but secret human. And with others of your kind you were able to deduce higher truths that you (with no BIG FAT EGO,) choose not to reveal.....
You cannot show us because you are from the future where they must grow some kinda ganja!

But, if I send in $25 could I see the pre-report leaked DETAILS, of this fantastically documented mind over matter? wow.....that is the best troll this year so far.

So, this is Maharishi Mashi Yogi! Am I right? Frog hopping? "Levitation"....
what is all this jbber jabber ?!!! it is pretty funny. you are an advanced, but secret human. And with others of your kind you were able to deduce higher truths that you (with no BIG FAT EGO,) choose not to reveal.....
You cannot show us because you are from the future where they must grow some kinda ganja!

But, if I send in $25 could I see the pre-report leaked DETAILS, of this fantastically documented mind over matter? wow.....that is the best troll this year so far.

So, this is Maharishi Mashi Yogi! Am I right? Frog hopping? "Levitation"....

Monsanto are nothing but a pack of eugenicists owned by the scum of the earth. Anything they propose should be be fought, they are already well underway to ruining nature and population control.
Monsanto are nothing but a pack of eugenicists owned by the scum of the earth. Anything they propose should be be fought, they are already well underway to ruining nature and population control.

more assertions without evidence, more assumptions with no real basis save hatred for monsanto, and more pointless ad hominem attack.

dont like monsanto, dont buy shit from them.

it's easy to do.
more assertions without evidence, more assumptions with no real basis save hatred for monsanto, and more pointless ad hominem attack.

dont like monsanto, dont buy shit from them.

it's easy to do.
You've got to hate those environmental extremists.

Transcendental Meditation...

During the guru phase of the west (which we direly needed) many came forward to show us their ideas. Some of these, such as Kundali Yoga represent a claim of fantastic worldly powers. (how did they put when the early Christian cult re-wrote Josephus, to lay ground work for a historical Jesus?) Ah, paradoxical feats...that was it. Said to perform paradoxical feats.

And like Scientology, this TM (tm) was approached with a patina of Western science. Levitation. Yogic Flying.

If you want to ignore the prattle, I just turned down the sound....I can't listen this stuff anymore. I sat for years and listened and practiced and found Self, not God. From Self it can be pontificated one can know GOD....but the concept of Universal Benevolent Energy or even a vengeful, smitting and smotting God is not in evidence at all.

It is a leap of Faith and totally unnecessary, imo, All we have and all we need is Self right Now, (if we can find Now. Not so easy, sometime with Mr Mind's, obsessive talking)

I was never part of TM, but I did get involved in a counterfeit Guru project, a bit later. And wow, to look at it all from that side was also enlightening. Then that org was co-opted by Christians and became against all Gurus. Strange world.

About 2 min. in. Yogic Flying caught on tape....maybe you will like to hear them all gushing about it before you see what it actually means.
More fun? Better surprise?

Yikes! I get lost in is a floating Buddhist that is not FAKE. I watched it. She floats alright. Makes a regular little tourist attraction out of it.

So, it is a toss up, but, I still stick with TM for burger.

OH NO....the flying girl in the Russian forest is not a fake I'm done.