My Eroding Belief in God

That is the question...

And I think it is a hard question. Are we as animals on Earth so proviledged to think a God picks us out and favors us over all living beings on Earth. Or is this our imagination?
That is the question...

And I think it is a hard question. Are we as animals on Earth so proviledged to think a God picks us out and favors us over all living beings on Earth. Or is this our imagination?
"on earth" your thinkng way too small ;)

everything is so much bigger than your thinking
Actually, I agree with you. I don't know how anyone could think that we, as a race, are special. Especially how we perceive ourselves.
Actually, I agree with you. I don't know how anyone could think that we, as a race, are special. Especially how we perceive ourselves.
we arent really that special as a species when it all boils down

we are ahead of the curve but in every dimension we're being trailed by different bits of animal kingdom we just got it all together right now
Of course, you are right. There is no empirical evidence to support a God.

But in Columbus' time there was no evidence to support the now known fact that the earth was round.
Even if that were true, it is not, have you ever read a quote by Columbus saying that there is no question that the earth is spherical?
I agree with you. We are not that special. But, as a race/species, we think we are. And we seem to think that we can kill anything that pleases or displeases us. I think that is bad.
I agree with you. We are not that special. But, as a race/species, we think we are. And we seem to think that we can kill anything that pleases or displeases us. I think that is bad.

i've always thought its the divine right that people believe they have that has caused it offense taken strife. There are some very skewed takes on what religion is. I know that life is a mystery, that there is a lot I don't know. But, when it comes to God, there's no question for me.

I'd also like to point out that here I am, saying that my meaning in life is to mesh art and science. Did anyone catch that? I said 'science' as a part of my being. That said, has anyone said "cool, what would you like to know?"

Instead, you're all telling me that I don't know anything that I am talking about. All that really means is that you guys aren't out to teach about your knowledge, but instead to try and PROVE people wrong.

Good luck with that.

I personally find that the interface between art and science can hold the perspective/view/scenic overlook on some of the most achingly awe-soaked beauty we as humans can experience. Any interface between two such global components of perception will be unquiet ... like ... surf. Most people will stay on the beach and ignore it. Many will get into the surf zone and get more or less pummeled. A few, a talented motivated perseverant (gloriously lucky) few ... will grab a board. cn
I personally find that the interface between art and science can hold the perspective/view/scenic overlook on some of the most achingly awe-soaked beauty we as humans can experience. Any interface between two such global components of perception will be unquiet ... like ... surf. Most people will stay on the beach and ignore it. Many will get into the surf zone and get more or less pummeled. A few, a talented motivated perseverant (gloriously lucky) few ... will grab a board. cn

...great response! Man, you're always profound and your perspective is non-abrasive. Thank you.

...oh the pummeling :) Maybe if one stirs the waters deep enough a board will surface from the depths.
So if all of life is a mystery, what makes you so confident in the existence of a god? That appears to be a contradictory view considering that no one, you included, has any empirical evidence for a god.

The mystery itself is God to me. (and a slew of other heavy-minded people I know, and others I have read) And thanks for not blasting your response.

The contradictory view is just perfect :)
Religions were created because theres a part of the human brain that makes us believe in or that there is a higher being of some sort, perhaps a Godly like higher being.
Religions were created because theres a part of the human brain that makes us believe in or that there is a higher being of some sort, perhaps a Godly like higher being.

...this reminds me of Lamed (sorry, Luger :lol: )

Kabbalistically the letter Lamed is written (lamed-mem-dalet) and is read: Lev Meivin Daath. This phrase means: a heart that understands Daath - Knowledge. Lamed is Wisdom acquired by the brain by means of the fires of the Atom Nous within the heart. Eve (intuition) through the heart teaches Adam (the Brain) how to develop Objective Reasoning in order to understand the universe.
For all we know, the so called God from the bible could of been a human from another dimension, from a higher advanced civilization who came upon earth hundreds of years ago. They mention in the bible that God himself comes down from the skys with flames of fire and smoke all around him? Sounds like a spaceship to me. But those people didnt know what a spaceship were at the time, there was no such thing. So they described it the best they could.

They do say there is a higher civilization of humans living on the moon. That America never made it to the moon. It was a hoax. Who knows. There is claims from government officials , who inspected crashed UFOs, and claimed the so called extraterrestrials looked exactly like us humans on earth. Some crazy ishh ay?

With all said.. I do believe in God, though.
The mystery itself is God to me. (and a slew of other heavy-minded people I know, and others I have read) And thanks for not blasting your response.

The contradictory view is just perfect :)
So the mystery is your god. Then you don't necessarily believe in an intelligent agent? That's what people typically mean when they ask if you believe in a god. When I hear responses like yours, I can't help but groups you in with Pantheism, an idea that I reject because it doesn't offer anything meaningful and IMO, is just adding an unnecessary label onto the unknown.
For all we know, the so called God from the bible could of been a human from another dimension, from a higher advanced civilization who came upon earth hundreds of years ago. They mention in the bible that God himself comes down from the skys with flames of fire and smoke all around him? Sounds like a spaceship to me. But those people didnt know what a spaceship were at the time, there was no such thing. So they described it the best they could.

They do say there is a higher civilization of humans living on the moon. That America never made it to the moon. It was a hoax. Who knows. There is claims from government officials , who inspected crashed UFOs, and claimed the so called extraterrestrials looked exactly like us humans on earth. Some crazy ishh ay?

With all said.. I do believe in God, though.

...could be that they were describing Merkabah, as per Ezekiel's vision. A lot of description were inner happenings that were described in an outer way. I imagine that to be tough back then.
So the mystery is your god. Then you don't necessarily believe in an intelligent agent? That's what people typically mean when they ask if you believe in a god. When I hear responses like yours, I can't help but groups you in with Pantheism, an idea that I reject because it doesn't offer anything meaningful and IMO, is just adding an unnecessary label onto the unknown.

Panentheism. Mind = Soul for Xians. This (to me) means that His mind encompasses all others. So yes, I do believe in a divine intelligence. The sun is a material representation of that.

I hope you don't mind a C&P.

Panentheism (from Greek πᾶν (pân) "all"; ἐν (en) "in"; and θεός (theós) "God"; "all-in-God") is a belief system which posits that God exists, interpenetrates every part of nature and timelessly extends beyond it. Panentheism is differentiated from pantheism, which holds that God is not a distinct being but is synonymous with the universe.[1]
Simply put, in pantheism, God is the whole; however, in panentheism, the whole is in God. This means that the universe in the first formulation is practically the whole itself. In the second formulation, the universe and God are not ontologically equivalent. In panentheism, God is viewed as the eternal animating force behind the universe. Some versions suggest that the universe is nothing more than the manifest part of God. In some forms of panentheism, the cosmos exists within God, who in turn "pervades" or is "in" the cosmos. While pantheism asserts that God and the universe are coextensive, panentheism claims that God is greater than the universe. In addition, some forms indicate that the universe is contained within God.[2] Much Hindu thought is highly characterized by panentheism and pantheism.[3]

"is just adding an unnecessary label onto the unknown." <--- I like the way you wrote that.