Nugbuckets Lab


Well-Known Member
Nugs I just want you to know you're my hero. I feel obligated to tell you how awesome you are every once in a while!


Well-Known Member
D-Trains came in at
6.65 each, with about 3% larf (not included)......not bad for a 23 inch tall plant! looks like i am averaging 6.75 on each mainlined plant.....hovering right around a zip per gal/medium......does not matter much if they are 8 or 16's......we will see how the 16 headed Aces do.....they will be getting cut in 6 goal is to get above the zip/gal. threshold on a consistant basis....but it looks like i will be upgrading to 8 gal "oregon breather" we will see.:leaf:
greenie girls 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
This is disgusting. Even from a recreational poont of view this is the least harmful substance out there. I hope American still has it in them to revolt. I think it was Jefferson that said a country needs a revolution every 50 or so years to maintain its freedon. We're overdue


Well-Known Member

Take a look at MMJ in Connecticut-- patients can use it, but can't grow it. Only the state can grow and distribute; this is the model of the future.

The government's accountability is on the line here. If they reverse themselves, then they are admitting that for 75 years they have run a mis-information and propaganda campaign (and have funded useless drug wars, jailed countless innocents, etc. etc.). That admission is even harder to make when there is a bunch of money on the line.


Well-Known Member
I really have hope for it to become recreationally legal. I'm gonna hold on until some crazy shit starts happening then I'm gonna dig a hole in the ground and never come out!


Well-Known Member
Call me ignorant, but I don't see all rights to US cannabinoids being given to Monsanto or big Pharma. That would be a continuation of the current prohibition, essentially, as no one would /could afford it, and insurance companies sure don't want to cough that sort of monthly maintenance fee.

I think Obama avoids the conversation (and has let his DEA lap dog have her way for a while) for the single obvious reason that if he doesn't appear tougher than shit on drugs, he'll be inevitably spun as a pot head and unelectable for a second term. Romney avoids it since he can't afford to openly alienate anyone. Romney has many policies he won't discuss until after the election. MMJ is just one of them.

Personally, I'd expect Obama (assuming re-election) to simply have the Fed leave it up to the states to decide what's best.


Well-Known Member
I hope you're right, Rrog. It's tough to know what they'll do... the only thing we can expect is more lies, lol. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid saying it's OK in a corporate-manufactured pill but not in your yard would create a great deal more ill-will than we're seeing now. It would be such a transparently bad thing. There's enough ice being broken with state level votes for MMJ, reduced criminal penalties, etc that some level of national decriminalization seems inevitable.

Those who grow (as compared to simply possess) will likely be the last group to be spared jail time. Even a guy with one sick male plant under his stairwell will be a criminal


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I tend to agree. How far are we going to go before the whole country goes up in protest? I think once Sativex hits the market, and things stay illegal for growers/smokers people will start to say something. I'm so sick of the government. Whoops! Did I just say that out loud? Oh well... :peace:


Well-Known Member
Yea, similar to saying no more vegetable growing in your backyard, but you have to buy from Monsanto instead. I think at this point people would freak... and that would be a good thing


Well-Known Member
Don't even get me started, Rrog. I feel a big rant coming on about how much I hate Monsanto! Must. Fight. Urge. bah! I wonder how far it's going to go in order for people to finally realize what's going on.

Sorry Nugs, kinda threadjacking. I'm done.