Plants/seedlings stopped growing

Hey guys so my seedlings stopped growing there's been no growth now for 5 days any help is appreciated

Medium:Osmocote Seed & Cutting Potting Mix

details on soil are here however as can be seen I've added perlite to it

temps lights on fluctuate but generally between 25c-28c lowest I've seen it go is 22c with lights on

lights off 17c-18c seen it go to 15.5c but only once has it been that low
light cycle 18/6
also have a small usb fan blowing on them to create a light breeze to promote stem strength

Lights are 240watt led
Here's the light I'm using currently using dimmed to 50%
I've only watered once since potting using 6.0 water ph

3x photoperiod bag seed and 1x dreamberry auto pics below
Anymore info needed just ask and I'll be happy to answer


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Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
They look healthy. They're probably trying to get those big pots full of roots. Were they transplanted, or started in those?
They look healthy. They're probably trying to get those big pots full of roots. Were they transplanted, or started in those?
Well like i said there's 1 auto and 3 photoperiod bag seed I didn't really want to be fucking around with the auto or photos if it could be avoided so I just started all of them in the big pots if memory serves correct there 250mm pots


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
I think starting them in big pots is fine! Some folks like to up pot, I am too lazy. I go from solo to final pot and that works for me so far.

I would say as long as they stay green and not stretchy give them a few days to grow some roots before worrying about slow leaf growth.