Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Active Member
I do. I drive to the train parking lot, 15 miles away. Get on a train, that has 5 stops before it gets into the city. Then I take the subway 8 stops to my office. Sometimes the subway delays are a while. Boston is a mess.
chicago was like that...we lived in Rockford and worked in the city...only 50 miles away but took 2 1/2 hours in the morning and 3 + in the evening...stop and go the whole way!


Well-Known Member
damn heli flying and hoverin right above my house



Well-Known Member
chicago was like that...we lived in Rockford and worked in the city...only 50 miles away but took 2 1/2 hours in the morning and 3 + in the evening...stop and go the whole way!
great salary, but the commute is starting to get real old. when my office moves, my commute will only 2 hours. so there's that!

p.s. i have yet to visit chicago. i really want to go one day. bears are my team!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
mmk. noone is responding to my thread.. so I post question here.

Secretary of State Workers

Why do these sad sacks look like the most unhappy fucks in the world?


You can have 6 people working and only turnover one customer/person per 10 min. How the hell?

And their fricken express machine never works!


Well-Known Member
I hate (it's such a harsh word) commuting. I always think of this.



Well-Known Member
Who killed what? I didn't know you could kill a thread.

Even if you do a newbie will revive it if it lies dormant for to long


Well-Known Member
man.... doing a newbie requires special RIU release of liability forms.

sunni and I had to sign them
I wonder if they even look at the dates of somethings lol or if it's just a random search they found and they wanted to spread their knowledge? I just don't know lol.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if they even look at the dates of somethings lol or if it's just a random search they found and they wanted to spread their knowledge? I just don't know lol.
told Sunni just to sign em.... was the only time she listened to me