Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I guess you can rub thier head or something and they will stand with thier tail above their head and womt pinch you. Oh and anyone who thinks they scream, they don't.


Well-Known Member
I need some awesome third grade science fair project ideas. Anything? I don't wanna do the typical volcano thing.... We're gonna rock this third grade science fair lol


Well-Known Member
I need some awesome third grade science fair project ideas. Anything? I don't wanna do the typical volcano thing.... We're gonna rock this third grade science fair lol
You can grow your own algae that produces light in the dark. You can use a mason jar, given the site I would imagine you already have one! Google it, its on my diy list.


Ursus marijanus
I need some awesome third grade science fair project ideas. Anything? I don't wanna do the typical volcano thing.... We're gonna rock this third grade science fair lol
Get some identical Hot Wheels and make papier-mâché tailcones. See how quickly they roll down a ramp. Automotive aerodynamics in the service of better fuel economy.

Or do what i did. Detonate the downstairs toilet. cn


Well-Known Member
i didn't think it was possible to beat the tetris high score, but i almost did.

and if not for a slight fuck up at the end, i could have had it.

alas, we'll try again.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I misread "stutter" as "slutter" at least 5 posts in a row. My eyes really are awful.

In other news, I got my awesome keyrings from Canada today! Behold! (not the Packers bottle opener, I had that already... it just worked its way into the picture because I had to take a picture of my keychain because I excitedly added the Zelda ones to to it right away)
