Sinema Leaves Democratic Party

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:lol: you can fill all of those requirements i listed earlier, then me something.

I meet the three requirements to run for President of the United States. The President must be at least 35 years of age, be a natural born citizen, and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years. I'm not an ex-football player and didn't score 7 touchdowns in a single game for Polk High but I'm not a trump. Isn't that good enough. :bigjoint:
I meet the three requirements to run for President of the United States. The President must be at least 35 years of age, be a natural born citizen, and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years. I'm not an ex-football player and didn't score 7 touchdowns in a single game for Polk High but I'm not a trump. Isn't that good enough. :bigjoint:
If it's between you and Joe I'm in, :bigjoint:
You can't explain why you say Democrats are racist.

Some are and some aren't. To claim all people in a given category of a political persuasion hold the same views on race is sort of limiting and needs further qualification.

For instance, if the political party was called "the Let's bomb the fuck out of the sneaky Japs even their women and children" party, it would be more likely those members were racists. That was the sentiment of many if not most of the racist Americans in the 1940s. I think that was aided by racist democrat Presidents FDR and Harry Truman and their actions.

To say ALL democrats these days are racist or ALL Republicans are racist is kind of a reach though. Racism exists now sure, but it's kind of an overworked thing to keep people fighting about it, so they are distracted from other things which are more ominous and prevalent.

Although, the democrat platform does seem to support some racist policies, like the well intended, but logically inept "affirmative action" type quota things.

If you support that, it might explain why YOU are a racist. I.E. judging a person on the color of their skin, rather than the content of their character.
Democrats are all upset that they can't primary Sinema. She gave them the middle finger.

It's disgusting the way they can act like gatekeepers. Kiss our ass or you'll get primaried. Sinema said ef you to the Democratic party and now they're all upset. Boo hoo.

Now that Sinema is no longer a Democrat the Democrats are free to run whoever they want and lose. Unless the Democrats want to see that seat go to a Republican they better get behind Sinema. They can run their own candidate but they won't have a chance in hell of winning. It's great to see Sinema break those chains. More politicians should do the same. The hold that the two political parties have on the process is bad for America.

See Trump Hate List.
Libertarians don’t think there should be any minimum wage.

edit: riders ≠ pork

Thank you for pointing out that Libertarians attempt to operate from a consistent ethical principle.

Libertarians think people should make consensual agreements and intrusive dictatorial third parties or uni-lateral contracts are inherently wrong, since they violate consent. Other things which violate consent are rape. slavery, fraud, theft, assault, assumption of consent when none is actually given, etc.

If Charley and Clyde make an agreement they both agree to, absent duress, who is Wilbur to to intercede ? It's none of Wilbur's business.

Hmmm, maybe those silly libertarians are just more highly evolved than people who approve of using the same human interpersonal relations actions as rapists and enslavers. Horrible!!!
Voted 93% with the Biden agenda. More than Bernie Sanders. Democrats should be ashamed at the way they're treating her. They talk about hate on the right yet here they are doing the same to Sinema.

And here's that hack AOC lighting up twitter with her attacks. What has AOC ever done besides make the next headline? Shouldn't she be out shopping for what's she's going to wear to the next VIP event she attends?

View attachment 5236103

AOC was invited and didn't pay anything. The dress was a statement piece to get tongues wagging and they still are it seems.

Mission Accomplished.
We can have as many parties as we want. Unfortunately two have taken over the process and both are corrupt. If people leave those two parties then they will cease to exist or at least lose some of the power that they shouldn't have anyway. Our Democracy will will survive and it will only be better.

We should have more choices and not just be stuck with the choices that two political parties give us. Just look at 2016. Two terrible candidates who we were given because they had connections and money. That's not a Democracy. That's a travesty. Time for it to end.

Have you been to The Cheesecake Factory lately?
IF she wins in 24...that is a fucking monstrously HUGE IF
because the democrats will run a strong, well funded, literate opponent against her, and the republicans will smell blood in the water, and run someone who will appeal to all the people the democratic candidate will not appeal to...they'll both be better funded than sinema can possibly be, they'll bury her in ad time, in press releases, in door to door canvassing...they'll bury her alive, and never send flowers.

They already have someone.

that would be awesome, two traitors to the party ousted would make us go back to tie breaking with the VP, but i can live with that to get them both out of politics...which is what will happen to both of them, especially manchin, who spent the last two years alienating his own voter base.... :lol:

Especially the self determined de facto co president..between the two? they helped create in fighting when we needed to just show allegiance to Biden lowering his approval at a precarious time after J6. They hurt the party..everyone fell in line but those two.
AOC is right, sinema's entire screed didn't have one bit of useful information in it, it sounded just like the republican party platform, which consists of hunters laptop and some nude photos of same....empty stupidity designed to placate morons...seems like it works on some people.

It concerns me she wants Dem Committee secrets.

Doesn't want to attend the prerequisite Democratic Breakfast..doesn't know which side she'll sit but wants Dem Committee? See anything wrong with this pic? Are we really this stupid?
Ruben Gallego doesn't have a chance in hell of winning the Senate seat in 2024. He's too far left for the state. Doug Ducey is going to run and he's extremely popular in the state. The only chance of keeping that seat out of the hands of Republicans is a moderate like Sinema. The Democrats are too stupid to realize that and have chosen to enforce a purity test and were preparing to primary her with someone they could control and tell what to do. Sinema jumped over them and said kiss my ass. The Democrats can run another candidate or they can back Sinema. If they run their own candidate they're guaranteed to lose. They can either lick their wounds and back Sinema or they can run a different candidate and suffer a guaranteed loss.

The candidate they're likely to put forth does not have the Mark Kelley recognition and will never get the Independent vote needed to win. But I see the Democrats stupidly running a non-winnable candidate. They might as well have Clinton move to Arizona and rerun that trainwreck.

Speaking of trainwrecks-You understand the only reason Trump made it through Primary in 2016 was because the field was diluted.
For instance, if the political party was called "the Let's bomb the fuck out of the sneaky Japs even their women and children" party, it would be more likely those members were racists. That was the sentiment of many if not most of the racist Americans in the 1940s. I think that was aided by racist democrat Presidents FDR and Harry Truman and their actions.

Oh, I found it.

You seem to like looking at the past through the eyes of the present.
They vast majority of white Americans were racist to some degree in the 1940s.

I wasn't alive then but I certainly was in 1959 in kindergarten. My district didn't have one but my mom was the school nurse in an adjacent district so I went there.
I vividly remember being in a double line by alphabetical order standing beside a black kid. The only one in that morning class, the other nearby white kids kept whispering I shouldn't be standing beside him like that.
Where do you figure that came from? A bunch of 5 year olds already learning racism.

FDR's strong suit may not have been race relations. He sent his wife down south to make speeches against lynching that were rampant out of fear of politically alienating the racist Jim Crow Democrats.

Racism started to get addressed post WW II and later in the 1950s by the Supreme Court and later by JFK's speeches in the early 1960's after the networks started showing the physical abuse of black people on the nightly news.

Cops, dogs, water hoses, etc. turned on black marchers shown up north started to change the way people thought about those issues.

What is your current view on the age of consent and civil rights legislation? Still from the past no doubt?
who have you observed doing this? you say democrats use racial epithets in private...what democrats do that? do you have any documentation of this behavior? by the way, give me a couple of days and i'll produce you a chart or two that illustrates how many democrats versus republicans are under indictment, and for what...since you asked for documentation for my earlier statement.

I'd be interested in that chart.
Some are and some aren't. To claim all people in a given category of a political persuasion hold the same views on race is sort of limiting and needs further qualification.

For instance, if the political party was called "the Let's bomb the fuck out of the sneaky Japs even their women and children" party, it would be more likely those members were racists. That was the sentiment of many if not most of the racist Americans in the 1940s. I think that was aided by racist democrat Presidents FDR and Harry Truman and their actions.

To say ALL democrats these days are racist or ALL Republicans are racist is kind of a reach though. Racism exists now sure, but it's kind of an overworked thing to keep people fighting about it, so they are distracted from other things which are more ominous and prevalent.

Although, the democrat platform does seem to support some racist policies, like the well intended, but logically inept "affirmative action" type quota things.

If you support that, it might explain why YOU are a racist. I.E. judging a person on the color of their skin, rather than the content of their character.

But Rob, while we should learn from our political history, it's tough enough to understand it of 2022. So discussing 1940s, potential names for political parties and all those president's of the day is not a fair comparison being well before the Civil and Women's Rights of the 60s.

We're discussing 2022 and forward looking..what is it now?

Red Herring:wink:
Well Good Luck

You seem like a nice person most of the time but you seem to have some misplaced anger.

I'm going to tell you something. My life and your life probably hasn't changed much through the administrations of George W Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden.

But it's the optics of certain politicians that's utterly cringeworthy more than policy. We can generally survive 4 years of bad policy but when a guy starts a war with Iraq for totally fake reasons and forever destabilizes a region or when another guy is clearly racist, xenophobic and mysogenic, and sounds like a fucking drunk in a bar talking shit, and then uses a new strategy of election denial that leads to violence...those are bridges too far.

But others want to dwell on a racist on a town counsel or school board to show that Democrats are racist. I still see racism weekly in my little town, I can't deny that.

But some of us have tried to evolve into a better world for the last 50 years while others just love (or tolerate) the MAGA types who are just plain out of touch with actual reality and prevailing wisdom.
I pretty much agree with your paragraph 2, but it was a close thing. That Man came quite close to visiting disaster on me.
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