
New Grower 420

Active Member
nahh i just use good stinky compost soil and molasses and get amazing results for less money then other stuff. i have seen super thrive used with great results though id recomend it. use half the dose the bottle recomends though just to be safe.


Well-Known Member
superthrive is real potent, use like 2-3 drops per gallon. think most people use it in the beginning veg/seedling/clone stage to promote root growth


Active Member
You can use 1/4 tsp/gal but i only use that much before transplant. Superthrive works by making the roots too big for the plant, (if theres room) and the plant has to compensate by growing faster.

When I was 3 I was watching my dad garden indoor and out. While he was at work I dumped a quart of superthrive on his favorite outdoor girl. It wilted, he flushed for a week and he said it was twice the size of the others.


Active Member
I use 3 drops from eye dropper in my foliar spray mix witch I spray once a day during veg,I also use it in my veg feeding mix- I fill the cap of the superthrive bottle twice/2 caps - for a 55 gallon batch.002 (2).jpg<---need I say more.

jessy koons

New Member
Superthrive is not something that should be put on plants that you wish to consume. It contains a registered pesticide that is in fact a unnatural plant hormone. If you want to get a really good laugh then you should read the packaging. Not only are the statements on packaging complete nonsense but the grammar and structure are ridiculous. This will tell you something about how they see themselves.

Good marketing and a poorly informed customers are the only thing that keeps this product on store shelves. The B1 component is worthless despite what the advertising says. Check out and do a site search for B1 and you will get the story.

Undoubtedly someone is going to get pissed off over what I've said because granny loved the shit or your favorite uncle with the bright green thumb used gallons of it, whatever. Break the cycle of misinformation and do some independent research on this crap before you use it on you cannabis.


Well-Known Member
make sure you dbl check your PH when using this stuff. It will drop like a Impala on Sunset...very potent. I dont use it any more, even a couple drops a G, my plants never liked it.


Active Member
It works if you use it right. It accelerates root growth. Look up the main ingredient you boso. Napthyl acetic acid i think. It will make your plant veg faster if it has room to root out