Turgid. How to get that?


Well-Known Member
asshole that is all? but not you, right? crashing a help thread, with crass harassment? and now one word cussing? No apology? That is strange.

And for you to call me a name is meaningless. to continue is a mirror to your world. your behavior speaks for itself...

so, no more comments about my medical condition? no more death wish for me....or is that still valid?

WHO CARES? You simply love to harass and can't get a boner, Freud.

You started with trolling and you now continue. Par for the course for the Flecks around here.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
You know what you guys have in common? Aside from the cheap shots... You're both approaching 4k posts in what amounts to a years time. Probably should consider some new hobbies, huh?


Well-Known Member
You know what you guys have in common? Aside from the cheap shots... You're both approaching 4k posts in what amounts to a years time. Probably should consider some new hobbies, huh?

Who the fuck are you? Soup Nazi huh? Join in. It's only luke warm. If you want me to tell you want to consider, I will consider it an honor. So, you are a slow typer on a slow connect going to reach out and recommend how we lead our lives.

Superstoner1 and I just having fun, blowing off steam, aren't we, boys?...where do you come from? Or the hole I mean?


Well-Known Member
lmfao, state workers
no, guys that are good enough at this that we don't need jobs.

But I still own an environmental consulting business nonetheless.

Let stoner and I continue to poke this guy with sticks. It's like a monkey in an undersized cage.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
no, guys that are good enough at this that we don't need jobs.

But I still own an environmental consulting business nonetheless.

Let stoner and I continue to poke this guy with sticks. It's like a monkey in an undersized cage.
Fair enough. I was only here to fugure out what the hell turgid was, haha. Game on!


Well-Known Member
no, guys that are good enough at this that we don't need jobs.

But I still own an environmental consulting business nonetheless.

Let stoner and I continue to poke this guy with sticks. It's like a monkey in an undersized cage.
Let me out I hate undersized sticks.


Well-Known Member
Oooh. Someone knows the fancy name for a PGR. I'm still a HUGE proponent of paclobutrazol myself. Gobbled 4 liters of that shit up ok eBay after the big scare. Best $400 I ever spent

But anyways, it's the chemical name for a plant growth regulator hormone. Depending on the PGR, they can have radical effects on bud development. If you have everything else wired they can do great things.

Very very very small doses with PGRs. I put 3/4 cup of phosphoload in 200 gallons of solution. Run it for 24hrs. Flush it all.


Well-Known Member
I'm not learning anything here but it's a hoot. I mean, I'm engorged with laughter, to the point my mirth could only be described as turgid.


Well-Known Member
Oooh. Someone knows the fancy name for a PGR. I'm still a HUGE proponent of paclobutrazol myself. Gobbled 4 liters of that shit up ok eBay after the big scare. Best $400 I ever spent

But anyways, it's the chemical name for a plant growth regulator hormone. Depending on the PGR, they can have radical effects on bud development. If you have everything else wired they can do great things.

Very very very small doses with PGRs. I put 3/4 cup of phosphoload in 200 gallons of solution. Run it for 24hrs. Flush it all.
And of course, you knew that turgid has nothing to do with animals cells , tumescence or Viagra, I bet. Didn't you?

So, even the shit trolling can be fun, huh? You were probably just ready to help a fellow grower, I bet. (I hope)

BTW, i'm seeing paclobutrazol for pretty cheap these days. It's not a carcenogen, as I understand now that the furor has died.. It was pulled only for the labeling problem, is what I'm reading.

I can get BAP, pretty cheaply now, also.