Turgid. How to get that?


Well-Known Member
Parabolic are some of the least efficient reflectors available.

You don't want the magnum or viper dude, the blockbuster is the shit. Proved via several tests. No I'm not going to post the links. Just google it.

The parabolic a spread the light really far but they don't focus the light downward. And by the way, your fancy diagram is the wrong one. The bulb in a parabolic is vertical.

I can't decide however what is more retarded, using a water cooled light or thinking a parabolic is the shit.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I see no links, no research. just take your word, huh? And the scathing, hurting, (I'm crying) mean spirited criticism of my diagram. I'm sorry, OK. I didn't know how to make an "umbrella." :) You know all snake oil says" proved over tests". What tests? Did you go the EPA site and joke with them?

You are right. Side ways the light just falls over doesn't it? Light can't come from the side. It has to be vertical. Wow. And the water cooled tube???? It's retarded. I did not know that!!

Thanks man. Yo da bom!

Medic!!! You see where he is going with this, right? We are so dished, put off our feed. The expert from afar has spoken, we Trimble. But, the Medic and I get along just fine, being so dumb.

Do ya have any employees also, legally flying, in your environmental company? You seem like such a great leader.


Well-Known Member

Hey, Medic!! :) I found a great picture right here on this site. Here is a guy using a para on the wall, kinda, well, sidways and the light doesn't fall over for him! :) Shafts of light. I have a pebbled Mega hood, 2 x 3 feet. (don't tell anyone, it's retarded.)

(from an old Vincent Price movie....What place is ThiS???) Buds. Damn, Mediic!!!, save us. :)

IAC, I realize I'm not doing bubbleponics but drain to waste counter current, dwc. It's not even under current, I did a better design, I think.

Anyway I see this is the super-duper expert section with Environmentalism. (shudder) over here, so I will vacate to the other sub-foums, right after I subscribe to this excellent work of yours I posted above.

OK, this thread is OVER. (how silly) Just kidding.


Well-Known Member
Swedish, huh? How Arousing! Well, a little care and she woke up. I appreciate the chance I had to share this and some good joking.

But, all is well. All this growth burst, in the last two days.



Well-Known Member
Parabolic are some of the least efficient reflectors available.
Oh, no. I said effective, didn't I? And I used a point source diagram. It makes no difference for the bulb shape or size.

But, of course, you are an environmentalist. How could you understand simple physics? How could you know that effective and efficient are not the same thing?

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
ahh the internet...the safest place to have clinically insane friends lol. with these particular parabolics i can mount the bulb vertically or horizontally. this grow was blue dream under two 600hps and yielded 35 oz. .825 gpw


Well-Known Member
Unlike some people on this forum, I don't just spout off on things I don't know about.


There. There's your proof. Look at the bottom, like next to last in terms of reflectivity, there is your parabolic. But I'm sure you know best because you found a diagram on parabolic reflectors

I'm done poking the retard. You keep rocking the water cooled tube, you have absolutely nothing to gain from my knowledge on the subject of growing. I'm just a lazy, tree hugging biologist who is also a terrible boss.


Well-Known Member
Dont forget you are also a fleck, legally.
No not, him. Just a crusty personality, and remember you and I were poking fun, so you are NOT really either, OK. :)

I don't who peed in Crusty's Corn flakes but you both were tolled for trying to joke without telling anyone.


Well-Known Member
Unlike some people on this forum, I don't just spout off on things I don't know about.


There. There's your proof. Look at the bottom, like next to last in terms of reflectivity, there is your parabolic. But I'm sure you know best because you found a diagram on parabolic reflectors

I'm done poking the retard. You keep rocking the water cooled tube, you have absolutely nothing to gain from my knowledge on the subject of growing. I'm just a lazy, tree hugging biologist who is also a terrible boss.
Interesting. Nice to post a link. Your ego trip not withstanding, there are reasons beyond efficiency. And those reason are weighed with efficiency to produce Effectiveness. Not turning on a light at all, is super efficient, and zero effective. See what i mean?

So, I never said anything about parabolic reflectors except they are a most effective way to go. You are bathing in luxury, a fat cat. Don't need no stinking water cooled light. Snooty. Arrogant, insulting. We get it. I'm sure you are wonderful, but I would never hire something that is so stuck up.


Well-Known Member
Well, at least we know that you can't admit when your wrong. I think you need to brush up on your vocabulary. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efficiency

And for the record. Efficiency is a measure of work put in and output obtained. So if you turn a light off..there is zero work being put in, so therefore the efficiency is zero, not 100%.

Yeah, I'm working the full on arrogant level, primarily because I know that you are so set in your ways and confrontational about things that it doesn't matter what evidence or proof someone presents, you will just keep chugging on. Case in point, you say the umbrella hoods rock, I point out, actually they don't rock, quite the contrary. And you come back with "yeah, but they are effective". Fucking classic. I suspect that the reason home boy got good yields is because he is doing a vertical tree grow style and not a horizontal grow. Pretty damn sure of it actually, how else would you get two 600 on one plant other than very or a very late scrog.

And yes, you will never need my services. I work for developers and large government agencies. These people have the money to pay me my $116/hour fee. I don't work with my hands for a living, I work with my brain. It's actually more exhausting but also more profitable and rewarding.

Efficiency to produce effectiveness. LOL. Ok buddy.


Well-Known Member
Well, at least we know that you can't admit when your wrong. I think you need to brush up on your vocabulary. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efficiency

And for the record. Efficiency is a measure of work put in and output obtained. So if you turn a light off..there is zero work being put in, so therefore the efficiency is zero, not 100%.

Yeah, I'm working the full on arrogant level, primarily because I know that you are so set in your ways and confrontational about things that it doesn't matter what evidence or proof someone presents, you will just keep chugging on. Case in point, you say the umbrella hoods rock, I point out, actually they don't rock, quite the contrary. And you come back with "yeah, but they are effective". Fucking classic. I suspect that the reason home boy got good yields is because he is doing a vertical tree grow style and not a horizontal grow. Pretty damn sure of it actually, how else would you get two 600 on one plant other than very or a very late scrog.

And yes, you will never need my services. I work for developers and large government agencies. These people have the money to pay me my $116/hour fee. I don't work with my hands for a living, I work with my brain. It's actually more exhausting but also more profitable and rewarding.

Efficiency to produce effectiveness. LOL. Ok buddy.
That's less than my accountant and a lot less than my retained council. We do a lot a development...never mind. Too argumentative. I have never challenged you to a smut fight about how right your are. Grow up.

You are perfect and I admit I'm somewhat lost when it comes to this. Oh wow, maybe that is why I asked for help. YA THINK?

Any and every comment of yours was and still is completely unsolicited. I'm totally not into your combative ways, fight boy. It doesn't bother me. I punked you good and still am. Next call more names....it looks so mature.

And an effective lighting strategy is just that. Effective. You are taking about saving electricity or some other green shit, no doubt, Mr. Perfect. Or just maybe the dick wag, huh? Grams per watt of efficiency. You are so cool!

And we already have very fine and reasonable consultants, thank you very much.


Well-Known Member
How can you seriously call anybody else combative? I reference you back to page one on who started being combative over a JOKE. Plus you really make yourself sound like somebody with nothing when you toss out dollar figures like that. I liken it to guys that must brag about the size of their penis, the ones that feel the need to brag usually have the smallest.