Turgid. How to get that?

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
And of course, you knew that turgid has nothing to do with animals cells , tumescence or Viagra, I bet. Didn't you?

So, even the shit trolling can be fun, huh? You were probably just ready to help a fellow grower, I bet. (I hope)

BTW, i'm seeing paclobutrazol for pretty cheap these days. It's not a carcenogen, as I understand now that the furor has died.. It was pulled only for the labeling problem, is what I'm reading.

I can get BAP, pretty cheaply now, also.
where are you reading the information about paclobutrazol not being a carcinogen? i remember reading a year ago that it WAS a carcinogen and should be used for ornamentals only. i would love to use it again if its safe.


Well-Known Member
I think I was reading on advanced nutrients site. http://www.advancednutrients.com/paclotruth/
They were against it, but when you picked it apart, they were not claiming carcinogen. It's used all over the world on fruit crops. But, they do run the explanation about the label problem from Humboldt.

It is a tree herbicide, mostly, because it slows the growth. Cities use it for obvious reasons. It has no toxicity for Beneficial Microbes. So, this is how I find things out. I try cast the wide net and get completely out of ganja marketing LIES. http://efw.bpa.gov/environmental_services/Document_Library/Vegetation_Management/sheets/Paclobutrazol.pdf

It is used in Bonzi. They are pot plants. :) Just kidding.http://www.actahort.org/books/167/167_37.htm

So, this is a natural plant hormone. It is used and consumed by the plant as a signal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paclobutrazol

I can't see that there is any residue left to consume if I'm careful. Here is a fact. When ever I look for uses in consumables like fruit, it is praised. When I look at the effects on ag workers, normal precautions (don't snort it). Effect on the fruit, none.

Approved for human consumption. NO. Will harm Mice livers Yes, if feed 1250 ppm per day for weeks. It is a difficult metabolite, not a carcinogen If anyone wants to debate that I'd be glad to review any serious science, but not bald clams.

Now we both know the most bullshit level is consumer marketing, and ganja is by far the worst snake oil. And there is a lot of Mr. Natural fear or "chemicals" left over from the hippies.

Next fact.

When I look with negative terms for that side, ALL I see is the silly hippy angst. Every hit is a forum, here of course. Or the hit is a marketing ad. Oh, gloom and doom.

These ads make wild claims that are not referenced and even using their search terms about banned in Europe, I can't see it.

Fruit raising Praised, but Ganja raising Crazed. My Opinion.

*My advice is for no one and especially not myself. :) Just putting up some info. I can neither confirm or deny...blah, blah...


Well-Known Member
Paclobuttizol is a carcinogen. But, unlike allot of people, I went to the EPA website and read the study where the determined that it causes cancer cells. You would not fucking believe the amount of pba that they gave rats. Everyday! Like more than I even dose my plants with. They have them a metric fuck load dude.

I give my plants a 10th of what the give a day, once, for 24 hours. That is absorbed (obviously not all of it) through the entire plant. Then 2 months later, I harvest about 1/3 of the plants biomass.

So in short, I ain't worried about it in the least fucking but at all. You ingest and inhale more toxins per day living in an urban area than you ever will smoking buds grown with phosphoload.


Well-Known Member
It's not over, until I say. You want to close my thread because you finally understand Turgid is not about Viagra!!

Why didn't you say so in the first place? LOL !!!! But, you chose to jump the fight.

And old stoner there, I checked, and I had a good conversation with him about chillers. I was real supportive, too. But, when I asked for help, who wanted a clown slap?

So, then it is Oh, I'm only trolling. Flecks. You guys have not seen trolling yet. So, the thread is over, when you stop taking shits on it. Otherwise we PARTY!

But, legally, I have no idea why you needed to jump in. Gang fight?

All I can say is maturity has nothing to do with age. Just ask yourself, who is trolling who?


Well-Known Member
Paclobuttizol is a carcinogen. But, unlike allot of people, I went to the EPA website and read the study where the determined that it causes cancer cells. You would not fucking believe the amount of pba that they gave rats. Everyday! Like more than I even dose my plants with. They have them a metric fuck load dude.

I give my plants a 10th of what the give a day, once, for 24 hours. That is absorbed (obviously not all of it) through the entire plant. Then 2 months later, I harvest about 1/3 of the plants biomass.

So in short, I ain't worried about it in the least fucking but at all. You ingest and inhale more toxins per day living in an urban area than you ever will smoking buds grown with phosphoload.
Totally agree with that. Logic and proportion...

We were discussing the Cancer Mice. Mice breed so they can easily get cancer. So, like you are saying, you have to read the studies. Peer reviewed is even better than the EPA reports. (EPA has commercial axes to grind, politically)

These mice are responsible for the GM food hysteria and are the main tools to block progress. All you need is one EPA report to put it out of most people minds, for good.

Just one day huh? Can you give an estimate of about how much ppm you run that day? Is it that the only feed that day?

I understand it really increases uptake so the res needs to be lower nutes.

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
Paclobuttizol is a carcinogen. But, unlike allot of people, I went to the EPA website and read the study where the determined that it causes cancer cells. You would not fucking believe the amount of pba that they gave rats. Everyday! Like more than I even dose my plants with. They have them a metric fuck load dude.

I give my plants a 10th of what the give a day, once, for 24 hours. That is absorbed (obviously not all of it) through the entire plant. Then 2 months later, I harvest about 1/3 of the plants biomass.

So in short, I ain't worried about it in the least fucking but at all. You ingest and inhale more toxins per day living in an urban area than you ever will smoking buds grown with phosphoload.
sounds pretty scientific. you misspelled paclobutrazol


Well-Known Member
It all goes back to it WAS A JOKE. Seriously, if you or anybody else cant read it as that then i stand with my initial assessment of your mental attitude and recommended therapy. Way over the line even for a stiff.


Well-Known Member
SS1, Your gonna have to give up on the olive branch.. If he doesn't have a sense of humor you can't help him find it.. No matter your good intintions...
I myself think he has one. The only problem is that it's lain flaccid for so long he can no longer get it up for civil, social intercourse.. You'll just have to think of DoDo Doer, as a Turd-gid social cripple... [I tossed in DoDo for shits and giggles, fits his potty mouth so well]


Well-Known Member
It all goes back to it WAS A JOKE. Seriously, if you or anybody else cant read it as that then i stand with my initial assessment of your mental attitude and recommended therapy. Way over the line even for a stiff.
Well Isn't it a matter of who is joking who? You still seem upset but we were all joking I thought.

If you don't stoop to clarity of intent, why should I? :)

And Other Guy, stoner and I are not warring but joking so don't need olive branches or intervention ;)


Well-Known Member
You are obviously delusional. In no way did anything you said here relate to joking, you immediately turned extremely hostile. Just kick back and wait for your government check to come in dude. Pathetic individual that you are i guess i must have struck a bone(pun intended, like a joke)on the viagra comment. Sometimes dead is dead and if the meds dont work you just have to live with it but dont get mad at the ones who still get hard when the wind blows.


Well-Known Member
Ah Oh....who is joking who? who is joking who...:)

Keep goin' Keep goin' What is now? What name do you call now? Quaalusional? Calm down, that was so last week.

Did you get your chiller, 1/2 hp?

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
Yeah, and your growing with an umbrella reflector...

Sorry next time I'm driving and posting I'll run spell checker
well you sure came back in a hurry lol! easy on the posting and driving, you could kill someone. while your at it easy on the "umbrella reflectors" as well lol.... i'm too cheap to pay for raptors and i frequently go over .8 gpw with the parabolics, no co2. good enough for me.


Well-Known Member
Hey man if you have the space those are the way to go I think. I'm just in a bathroom so, water cooled light.

It's the parabolic reflector that's the most effective, of all, I thought. Since we aren't trying to focus, we don't need the spherical or elliptical, just a shaft of light. Am I right? More pictures? No lack of turgid there.

Parabolic Reflector:
If a light source is placed in the focal point of a parabolic reflector, the rays of light will be reflected parallel to one another. This will give a great concentration of light in a tight beam, rather than an effused spread. Moving the source toward the reflector will spread the light, while moving the source away from the reflector will cause the light rays to converge.

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
Hey man if you have the space those are the way to go I think. I'm just in a bathroom so, water cooled light.

It's the parabolic reflector that's the most effective, of all, I thought. Since we aren't trying to focus, we don't need the spherical or elliptical, just a shaft of light. Am I right? More pictures? No lack of turgid there.

Parabolic Reflector:
If a light source is placed in the focal point of a parabolic reflector, the rays of light will be reflected parallel to one another. This will give a great concentration of light in a tight beam, rather than an effused spread. Moving the source toward the reflector will spread the light, while moving the source away from the reflector will cause the light rays to converge.
the parabolics keep em pretty turgid indeed!! they may be an old school design, but they have given me better results than any of the horizontal varieties that i have tried. (like i said, thats excluding the 300 dollar reflectors that im sure are capable of outproducing the parabolics)