Venting question, Do i need to with A/C


Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha some of you guys need to get a life other than RIU. No dwc under my belt yet. And when there is an issue you fix it thus why a made a post asking for advice. Oh and ya if you cant keep room temps down then there are other options. By the way i belive this post is about using an ac and co2? Why troll cuz you look like shit in the real world so get online and do evrything to look like a pro. Every one who grow does what works best for them. Beaver put a glass outside in the 110 degree weather with is how hot it gets here. and one inside were atleast i keep my hous a 75 and gurantee in a couple of hours your glass's of water will both be real close to temp of there surroundings. Oh and i have notice that at room temps at 65 f and co2 at 1200 during flower its very easy to achieve 800 gram plants, will take 8 weeks veg but well worth the wait. Ha ha ha love ignorant peeps, who have no life other than google and RIU. Oh and thats in soil.
ummmm general rule of thumb for growing cannabis.. The longer you veg the bigger the plant grows in bloom.. You ever hear the term " the bigger the roots the bigger the fruits.." It doesnt matter what medium you grow hydro or soil , the longer you veg the bigger plant/flowers will be.. If you didnt know that when you started growing then you should really take a step back.


Well-Known Member
if you are pushing 90-91 in veg then that's way too hot. even with co2. plants that young don't need co2. they can't process anymore than what is available in the ambient air. the only time you need co2 in veg is when you are vegging monsters for like 2 months or you have a bunch of moms in the room. i don't use co2 at all in veg. it's just a waste. young plants like that can't process it. i've heard they can't really use anymore than 400-600ppm which is pretty much already available in the ambient air. it's like feeding vegging plants 1400ppm. they just can't use those nutes.

86 degrees in flower if your plants are healthy and have co2. 74-78 in veg and flower (when you aren't using co2). 91 in veg will lead to problems. the only reason you don't see anything yet is because they are seedlings. 10 days is nothing. wait till 3 weeks.
Nuglets really knows what he is talking about and I agree with everything he is saying, but I have seen growers have successful indoor grows at 91-93 degrees but you have to be constantly watering your plant maybe 2 times a day because it will dry out that quick. In a perfect grow room the temps nuglet mentioned were correct I also dont use co2 in veg even though you can.


Well-Known Member
If i may make a suggestion...
I would NOT try and seal the room/scrub the air inside, that's too hard. Rarely can you seal a room perfectly enough that smell isn't pushed out some crack, smelly air gets out as air in the room is blown around by fans, as well as every time you go in the room and brake the seal. If you really want protection from others smelling your grow, AND to lower your heat, use your carbon filter right and you can accomplish both at the same time.

Remove a small amount of the warmest air in the grow space THROUGH the carbon filter, have no air blowing into the grow space, and don't bother with trying to seal the room, only seal light leaks. This will not only lower your temps like you want, it will create a negative vacuum in the grow space because you're removing a small amount of air through the filter. As long as you have ANY amount of negative vacuum in your grow space, that is where smell WILL stay, it can't get out if the whole time air is being sucked in through all the cracks and crevasses. IMO you're not protected against someone smelling your plants unless you have a neg vac in place 24/7

I run a Can33 carbon filter24/7/365, they last 12-18mo and cost around $100. I under flow its minimum rating so i'm sure it lasts longer and cleans the air even better then expected, and i still change it every 12 mo just to be safe.


Well-Known Member
Also, i run an 7000BTU AC unit in my 12x12 grow room, and its very possible to keep their cost down, as well as vent the heat created by them out of the room without losing a ppm of c02. Mine cost me $30 a month to run and it keeps my whole room under 85 while the temp outside is well over, you just gotta know how to vent them right in a small space. There are two separate sections to window AC units, separated by an insulating layer. The cool air part is all in the front, no air goes from the front to the back, and if sealed and vented right like i said, won't steal c02 or battle itself to keep temps low, which is most of the reason people think ac units cost so much to operate. I also have it on a $4 home de pot outlet timer so it can only run when the lights are on.


Well-Known Member
If i may make a suggestion...
I would NOT try and seal the room/scrub the air inside, that's too hard. Rarely can you seal a room perfectly enough that smell isn't pushed out some crack, smelly air gets out as air in the room is blown around by fans, as well as every time you go in the room and brake the seal. If you really want protection from others smelling your grow, AND to lower your heat, use your carbon filter right and you can accomplish both at the same time.

Remove a small amount of the warmest air in the grow space THROUGH the carbon filter, have no air blowing into the grow space, and don't bother with trying to seal the room, only seal light leaks. This will not only lower your temps like you want, it will create a negative vacuum in the grow space because you're removing a small amount of air through the filter. As long as you have ANY amount of negative vacuum in your grow space, that is where smell WILL stay, it can't get out if the whole time air is being sucked in through all the cracks and crevasses. IMO you're not protected against someone smelling your plants unless you have a neg vac in place 24/7

I run a Can33 carbon filter24/7/365, they last 12-18mo and cost around $100. I under flow its minimum rating so i'm sure it lasts longer and cleans the air even better then expected, and i still change it every 12 mo just to be safe.

I use the same carbon scrubber 24/7 in my sealed room.. You cant smell anything even with your nose against the door.


Well-Known Member
If i may make a suggestion...
I would NOT try and seal the room/scrub the air inside, that's too hard. Rarely can you seal a room perfectly enough that smell isn't pushed out some crack, smelly air gets out as air in the room is blown around by fans, as well as every time you go in the room and brake the seal. If you really want protection from others smelling your grow, AND to lower your heat, use your carbon filter right and you can accomplish both at the same time.

Remove a small amount of the warmest air in the grow space THROUGH the carbon filter, have no air blowing into the grow space, and don't bother with trying to seal the room, only seal light leaks. This will not only lower your temps like you want, it will create a negative vacuum in the grow space because you're removing a small amount of air through the filter. As long as you have ANY amount of negative vacuum in your grow space, that is where smell WILL stay, it can't get out if the whole time air is being sucked in through all the cracks and crevasses. IMO you're not protected against someone smelling your plants unless you have a neg vac in place 24/7

I run a Can33 carbon filter24/7/365, they last 12-18mo and cost around $100. I under flow its minimum rating so i'm sure it lasts longer and cleans the air even better then expected, and i still change it every 12 mo just to be safe.
What cfm is your fan on the can 33? Ive got my temp down to 26-30 now with the use on a 225 cfm intake fan and a 250 vent fan shooting into the attic a little bigger vent for the negative pressure was exactly the idea. I was thinking out using a can 33 suspended on the celing and connecting it with drier vent hose to the 250 cfm vent fan but was worried the will create a positive pressure and force the smells out?

Now here's what im seeing in my room 14 days in from poppin the seeds into a cup of water and my seedling are now both sporting the first set of three leaves. One is streching the other is stout and strong, i'm feeding 200pm as of three days ago and im not seeing any signs of stress with the room temps?? I'm starting to think I'm going to push these plant in the temp and see for my self what happens?? No c02 yet, but i have a rez cooler keeping with a rez temp of 18-20, I feed 8 minutesd every hour as always and im starting to think that the cool water on the roots and in the buckets ( top drip, rockwool, 3 gallons with drain to rez system ) is saving my as with the temps!! I tryed an a/c unit, that was painful room is way to tight! Maybe with all the attention this topic has brought up and all the back and forth arguments and banter this little closet grow is grow journal worthy?? What do you guys think time to take a peek into the closet for yourselves?

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
I use the same carbon scrubber 24/7 in my sealed room.. You cant smell anything even with your nose against the door.
Exactly,.. YOU can't.
Seriously??.... You, the grower, the smoker, would trust your own nose, to NOT smell your own weed? Good luck with that one. It's common sense, think about it. Plants make odor 24/7, you have fans blowing in a room, the slightest bit of odor can get out of a crack, or the door when you walk in, not with a negative vacuum in the room though. Much less energy and lower noise to just keep a negative vac in the space, than to try and clean hundreds of cubic feet of air 24/7.

What cfm is your fan on the can 33? Ive got my temp down to 26-30 now with the use on a 225 cfm intake fan and a 250 vent fan shooting into the attic a little bigger vent for the negative pressure was exactly the idea. I was thinking out using a can 33 suspended on the celing and connecting it with drier vent hose to the 250 cfm vent fan but was worried the will create a positive pressure and force the smells out?
I use two 12v 100cfm fans only, reason i use two is incase one shits, always got a backup, and there pretty quiet, can't hear um with the door to the grow room shut. Like i said i under flow my Can33 so as to be sure as shit the air i'm pumping into the attic doesn't smell, and to make damn sure the thing lasts at least 12mo too. $8 a month on guaranteed odor control is worth it to me.

I'm not sure of your exact setup, but what i did to be sure i had a negative vac was busted out my fogger, and set it by the door. Or you could get real high and do a smoke test. If it gets sucked under the door, you could pile 10 dead bodies in there and no one outside would smell it :-P


Well-Known Member

Exactly,.. YOU can't.
Seriously??.... You, the grower, the smoker, would trust your own nose, to NOT smell your own weed? Good luck with that one. It's common sense, think about it. Plants make odor 24/7, you have fans blowing in a room, the slightest bit of odor can get out of a crack, or the door when you walk in, not with a negative vacuum in the room though. Much less energy and lower noise to just keep a negative vac in the space, than to try and clean hundreds of cubic feet of air 24/7.

I use two 12v 100cfm fans only, reason i use two is incase one shits, always got a backup, and there pretty quiet, can't hear um with the door to the grow room shut. Like i said i under flow my Can33 so as to be sure as shit the air i'm pumping into the attic doesn't smell, and to make damn sure the thing lasts at least 12mo too. $8 a month on guaranteed odor control is worth it to me.

I'm not sure of your exact setup, but what i did to be sure i had a negative vac was busted out my fogger, and set it by the door. Or you could get real high and do a smoke test. If it gets sucked under the door, you could pile 10 dead bodies in there and no one outside would smell it :-P
You cant smell it.. When my carbon scrubber was going out you could.. Seriously I ask my wife at least once a week if she can smell anything. My mom comes in my house at least once a week to visit and what not shes asked " whys that door have a lock on it ?" but never "why does it smell like pot ?" and shes busted me growing up for smoking, broke my bongs and pipes so she knows what the smell is like.. Trust me I did things to prevent the smell it wasnt always that way. At one point you could smell a slight odor, I went back to the drawing board and sealed up more stuff. So YOU the grower may have that problem in your environment but not me, It's common sense, if I smell odor? I find out where there is a air leak and then reseal that area, odor is a big concern for me even though I am legal in my state. I'm talking about a spare bedroom thats 10' x 10' its not very big I only grow my legal 12 plants.


Well-Known Member
A good running sealed room simply doesn't stink. that doesn;t mean airtight. It means no internal pressure. I have however had a strain out run my scrubber and ozone generator.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha!... Ok so you didn't go with a negative vacuum, you just kept finding all the leaks not having a negative vacuum in the first place left you with, and sealed them up to a point where you and yours can't smell it. And now you wait and hope those leaks you patched never re-leak. Seems like a sound plan, lol

Hey here's a crazy old idea your grandfather probably had,...


Well-Known Member
Hahaha!... Ok so you didn't go with a negative vacuum, you just kept finding all the leaks not having a negative vacuum in the first place left you with, and sealed them up to a point where you and yours can't smell it. And now you wait and hope those leaks you patched never re-leak. Seems like a sound plan, lol

Hey here's a crazy old idea your grandfather probably had,...

Whatever you say negative vacuum man..:roll:


Well-Known Member
Physics don't lie dude, you ain't smelling shit outside of a neg vac, but plug away dike boy, plug away..

Vacuum Man out!


Well-Known Member
Physics don't lie dude, you ain't smelling shit outside of a neg vac, but plug away dike boy, plug away..

Vacuum Man out!
No need to plug no need for physics you are just a hurt shit head that has sand in his vagina, your nick name should be "the vacuum" you definitely sound like you sucked a lot of cock in your hay day..


Well-Known Member
c'mon guys we all do things differently and discussing the different ways we do those things adds value to this thread. Just because my way works for me doesn't mean it will work for all. All that i can do is tell you my experience with what I do. Let's not go down that road and lose more members arguing the differences in how we try to accomplish the same thing.

In my place I have no way to create a vacuum to create negative pressure with out dumping co2. I will say again, a properly running sealed room will not stink. Perhaps I should have added, part of running a sealed room properly at least in my case has been to run strains that my filtration system can handle. I had to pull a run early because I couldn;t control the odor. I even built a room around the room, ran ozone and neg pressure created by venting through a filter and into a larger space (I have no way outside). Had to chop when it over ran all my efforts, filled a 4k sf building and started to seep outside. So I have had to adjust how I run it. so far running any commercial seed bank strains haven't been an issue. The one that was stinky was some strain a local guy created. I can't even smell it when I open the door. Once I move things around though it can get smelly for a while.


Well-Known Member
c'mon guys we all do things differently and discussing the different ways we do those things adds value to this thread. Just because my way works for me doesn't mean it will work for all. All that i can do is tell you my experience with what I do. Let's not go down that road and lose more members arguing the differences in how we try to accomplish the same thing.

In my place I have no way to create a vacuum to create negative pressure with out dumping co2. I will say again, a properly running sealed room will not stink. Perhaps I should have added, part of running a sealed room properly at least in my case has been to run strains that my filtration system can handle. I had to pull a run early because I couldn;t control the odor. I even built a room around the room, ran ozone and neg pressure created by venting through a filter and into a larger space (I have no way outside). Had to chop when it over ran all my efforts, filled a 4k sf building and started to seep outside. So I have had to adjust how I run it. so far running any commercial seed bank strains haven't been an issue. The one that was stinky was some strain a local guy created. I can't even smell it when I open the door. Once I move things around though it can get smelly for a while.
Budley much respect for you. Countless times you and I have come across the " my way is the only right way " grower.. You know they guy who sits behind the computer screen with the best buds and grow skills.. Happy growing my dude.


Well-Known Member
We all get excited about what were doing and most of us are very passionate about it. It reminds me of becoming a new parent and trying to do everything right, make sure your child has the best etc.... It's easy to come across like that when you believe what you are doing is right. Thing is, it's only right for you.

Most men just love titties, I know I do! I don't think I've ever seen 2 guys argue over which titties are best. i like em large wih dollar pancake sized nipples. You tell me you like em small with little nips. Now I am not going to try to sell you on the virtues of my preference, I'm just going to say to myself, "Good thing there are guys for them gals too", knowing in my heart that big titties are simply the best. You likely will have the same thought about me.

So to me arguing about how we arrive at the same place is a bit like arguing about titties.