What is Your Opinion of the Pledge of Allegiance?


Well-Known Member
I am not one for dogma one way or another. I don't think this hurts anyone and don't see much of an issue with it unless parents of kids turn it into one.

Because you know the kids really could care less one way or another unless their teacher is trying to make a point, or their parents are trying to turn their kids into robots (either anti-religion robots, or everyone should worship america robots).


Well-Known Member
I am not one for dogma one way or another. I don't think this hurts anyone and don't see much of an issue with it unless parents of kids turn it into one.

Because you know the kids really could care less one way or another unless their teacher is trying to make a point, or their parents are trying to turn their kids into robots (either anti-religion robots, or everyone should worship america robots).
Do you think it had a broader impact on the youth? Or do you think it's just something they say without really realizing what it is, just to pass the 20 seconds in the morning? If that's the case, what's the necessity? Because I'd be willing to bet if you tried to take it out of the public schools it would cause an issue.


Well-Known Member
i live in the south and i said it for at least 5 years up until 4-5th grade. It brings back some memories but it was not an impact in my life...


Well-Known Member
Do you think it had a broader impact on the youth? Or do you think it's just something they say without really realizing what it is, just to pass the 20 seconds in the morning? If that's the case, what's the necessity? Because I'd be willing to bet if you tried to take it out of the public schools it would cause an issue.
they sent me to the office every day in 7th grade when i refused to sing the pledge and called it propaganda and indoctrination. my main objection was the 'under god' part.


Well-Known Member
Do you think it had a broader impact on the youth? Or do you think it's just something they say without really realizing what it is, just to pass the 20 seconds in the morning? If that's the case, what's the necessity? Because I'd be willing to bet if you tried to take it out of the public schools it would cause an issue.
Like Dobermanguy said, I said it up to the fifth grade or so, and really don't think it had any real impact on me, as not only am I not atheist (why do I have to be called an atheist if I am not following a movement that needs a name?), but I will go even further and say I am willing to talk about where and how America goes wrong without feeling like I am being un-American.

I think that it would be an issue if people try to get it removed, because if nothing else people don't like to be told they have to quit doing something they feel is a part of their history and culture. But one good thing that may be a good reason it started was maybe it gave the teachers a few moments to get the entire classrooms attention and focused after they show up in the morning. And the pledge was pretty uncontroversial. So in that respect maybe just changing the offending words would allow them to go back to doing it, but then you are asking teachers to undo something they may love and not want to see it changed.

lol my solution, get rid of teachers unions and make their pay dependent on the parents deciding who teaches their children. That way if parents don't like it, they don't have to have their kid in that class, that way if the teacher has parents that mind, if he doesn't change it his pocketbook is effected. The teachers have to pay a rental charge for their rooms. Crazy the things you think of when you are bored and procrastinating.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
My solution, get rid of schools that are funded by extortion.

When we plegde allegiance to a "Nation" , what happens when the nation evolves from one that (supposedly) embraces freedom and becomes one that no longer knows what freedom is? It is very hypocritical to pledge allegiance to "a freedom loving nation" when the very school the student is in is funded by involuntary confiscation of money to fund it.

Ritual incantations lose their meaning...put a fork in it....it's done. War is peace. yadda yadda yadda.


Well-Known Member
I kind of see where Rob Roy is coming from. Unfortunately the reason that the Pledge of Allegiance has become a ritual incantation though, is due to the overwhelming number of liberal socialists, and if traced back far enough - communists that went into hiding during the McCarthy period, that have infiltrated our school system. After the McCarthy inquisitions, the communists vowed to beat the capitalists from within. Which is exactly what they have been doing ever since. The best way to do that is to control our images and what ideals are taught to our youth.

The U.S. never had a problem with Freedom of Religion (Note that it is Freedom OF Religion, NOT Freedom FROM Religion) prior to liberals and communists trying to change our economic system from capitalism to socialism. Now that the citizens of the U.S. have become so brainwashed with the liberal agenda through years of liberal education and liberal media images of how bad the "greedy rich capitalistic pigs" are, all of a sudden we don't get the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance.

I can understand why it is so important for our youth to know The Pledge of Allegiance. It's important so that we always remember where we came from, why we are American. It's great that we are a country that has a multitude of cultures all gathering together to bring the best of what they have to offer to make our nation great. Unfortunately, too many people don't know or don't remember why this great nation was started in the first place.

Our Founding Fathers came together and brought forth this great nation to give people FREEDOM to be able to be who they want to be, practice the religion they want to practice, when they want to practice it, how they want to practice it, being able to consume what they want, when they want, and how they want. The intent was to be a FREE state, not a state controlled by monarchs, socialists, or communists. This nation was and is a FREE REPUBLIC, NOT a democracy. It was never meant to be a democracy. Republics control from the individual states, not from a federal group of zealots. In this way, if you don't like the laws of the state you live in, you can always move to a state where the laws are in agreement with your own ideals. With this being the case, you could still be a citizen of the U.S. but live in areas that have different opinions. THAT is the vision our Founding Fathers had. They NEVER wanted the U.S. to become a welfare state, an unambitious group of peoples hoping others would take care of them. If that is what people want, they should go back to the countries that have adopted those types of governments. The U.S. was meant to be a place for HARD WORKING people who believed in the idea of PERSONAL FREEDOMS WITHOUT GOVERNMENT INTRUSION (You know. . . stuff like growing your own pot without it being illegal, practicing your own religion, GIVING A PLEDGE to a country that SUPPORTS YOUR IDEAS OF PERSONAL FREEDOMS by swearing an ALLEGIANCE to it.

We could get this all fixed here if people were just smart enough to start reading between the lines of the lying democrats and republicans that supposedly represent us half a world away from where we live. PUT THE CONTROL BACK INTO THE HANDS of THE STATESMEN. Get rid of an overpowering, OVERREACHING FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!

My God is NOT a white guy with a long white beard, in white linen tunics with glowing auras around him. My God IS in MY heart and in my pineal. If anybody is looking for their God anywhere else, then they don't know who or what God is. I have NO PROBLEM PLEDGING ALLEGIANCE TO A NATION THAT WAS FOUNDED UNDER THE CONCEPT OF FREEDOM OF YOUR OWN IDEAL OF GOD. I can't for the life of me understand why anybody else would? Unless of course, you've just resigned to the idea that this is ALL there is and after you die there is no more. What a miserable existence that would be though. I always try to do good for others and protect myself. I've got to believe that somebody that doesn't think they need to be responsible for their actions here to move on to greater things elsewhere are masochists. I exist to make the world a better place, and I'll continue to exist afterwards to continue to try to make the world an even BETTER PLACE.


Well-Known Member
Do you think it had a broader impact on the youth? Or do you think it's just something they say without really realizing what it is, just to pass the 20 seconds in the morning? If that's the case, what's the necessity? Because I'd be willing to bet if you tried to take it out of the public schools it would cause an issue.
Right now, it is just something they say without realizing what it is because they aren't taught anything about what it means. Our liberal educational system doesn't allow our youth to be taught WHAT the Pledge of Allegiance means, they are just taught the words, and with horrible, disjointed, and disconnected phrasing at that.

I pledge allegiance, (Big breath and pause)
to the flag, (another big breath and pause)
of the United States of America. (yet again, another big breath and pause)

And to the REPUBLIC!!!! (Very important word there that has been extremely DE-EMPHASISED in the past 60 years [another big breath and pause])
for which it STANDS!!!! (Again another VERY IMPORTANT WORD that has been de-emphasised [another big breath and pause])
INDIVISIBLE (AGAIN, GIANT BIG LETTERS THAT NEED DISCUSSION [Meaning - just because we have differences in the way we believe doesn't mean we should separate ourselves from each other]
With LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL (RESOLVE and DISCUSS! [Meaning - FREEDOM and FAIR court systems for everyone that lives here in the U.S. as LEGAL citizens of the United States of America.

NOW - A better way to recite the United States Pledge of Allegiance:

I pledge allegiance to the country of the United States of America and to its Outlying Territories.
To do this, I am reciting this Pledge as I lay my right hand over my heart to signify my sincerity.
At the same time, I will look to the flag which represents this great nation in rememberance of all those that have sacrificed themselves, so that I may have the freedoms that I DO enjoy

I also pledge my allegiance to the Republic for which this great nation represents -
That nation representing the freedom to find and worship God in the way I feel is appropriate.
Let us not allow this freedom to divide us based simply on religious differences,
But let us come together, pay respect to our fellow citizens and neighbors, and treat each other as we would have ourselves be treated.


Well-Known Member
I got in sent to the principals office and they called my mommy for not standing for the pledge.


Active Member
I kind of see where Rob Roy is coming from. Unfortunately the reason that the Pledge of Allegiance has become a ritual incantation though, is due to the overwhelming number of liberal socialists, and if traced back far enough - communists that went into hiding during the McCarthy period, that have infiltrated our school system. After the McCarthy inquisitions, the communists vowed to beat the capitalists from within. Which is exactly what they have been doing ever since. The best way to do that is to control our images and what ideals are taught to our youth.

The U.S. never had a problem with Freedom of Religion (Note that it is Freedom OF Religion, NOT Freedom FROM Religion) prior to liberals and communists trying to change our economic system from capitalism to socialism. Now that the citizens of the U.S. have become so brainwashed with the liberal agenda through years of liberal education and liberal media images of how bad the "greedy rich capitalistic pigs" are, all of a sudden we don't get the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance.

I can understand why it is so important for our youth to know The Pledge of Allegiance. It's important so that we always remember where we came from, why we are American. It's great that we are a country that has a multitude of cultures all gathering together to bring the best of what they have to offer to make our nation great. Unfortunately, too many people don't know or don't remember why this great nation was started in the first place.

Our Founding Fathers came together and brought forth this great nation to give people FREEDOM to be able to be who they want to be, practice the religion they want to practice, when they want to practice it, how they want to practice it, being able to consume what they want, when they want, and how they want. The intent was to be a FREE state, not a state controlled by monarchs, socialists, or communists. This nation was and is a FREE REPUBLIC, NOT a democracy. It was never meant to be a democracy. Republics control from the individual states, not from a federal group of zealots. In this way, if you don't like the laws of the state you live in, you can always move to a state where the laws are in agreement with your own ideals. With this being the case, you could still be a citizen of the U.S. but live in areas that have different opinions. THAT is the vision our Founding Fathers had. They NEVER wanted the U.S. to become a welfare state, an unambitious group of peoples hoping others would take care of them. If that is what people want, they should go back to the countries that have adopted those types of governments. The U.S. was meant to be a place for HARD WORKING people who believed in the idea of PERSONAL FREEDOMS WITHOUT GOVERNMENT INTRUSION (You know. . . stuff like growing your own pot without it being illegal, practicing your own religion, GIVING A PLEDGE to a country that SUPPORTS YOUR IDEAS OF PERSONAL FREEDOMS by swearing an ALLEGIANCE to it.

We could get this all fixed here if people were just smart enough to start reading between the lines of the lying democrats and republicans that supposedly represent us half a world away from where we live. PUT THE CONTROL BACK INTO THE HANDS of THE STATESMEN. Get rid of an overpowering, OVERREACHING FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!

My God is NOT a white guy with a long white beard, in white linen tunics with glowing auras around him. My God IS in MY heart and in my pineal. If anybody is looking for their God anywhere else, then they don't know who or what God is. I have NO PROBLEM PLEDGING ALLEGIANCE TO A NATION THAT WAS FOUNDED UNDER THE CONCEPT OF FREEDOM OF YOUR OWN IDEAL OF GOD. I can't for the life of me understand why anybody else would? Unless of course, you've just resigned to the idea that this is ALL there is and after you die there is no more. What a miserable existence that would be though. I always try to do good for others and protect myself. I've got to believe that somebody that doesn't think they need to be responsible for their actions here to move on to greater things elsewhere are masochists. I exist to make the world a better place, and I'll continue to exist afterwards to continue to try to make the world an even BETTER PLACE.
wow.... just wow... I usually don't read those long responses all the way through, but you, sir, have nailed it right on the head. That pretty much sums it up in the most intelligent way possible. I applaud you.


Well-Known Member
Unless of course, you've just resigned to the idea that this is ALL there is and after you die there is no more. What a miserable existence that would be though.
no eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn - jim morrison

how would 70 or so years on this paradise we call earth be summed up as a miserable existence?


just imagine sitting on that beach with an ice cold beer in one hand, a joint in the other, your lady by your side, and a cooler full of food near the bonfire...that is just one day on this planet.


Well-Known Member
wow.... just wow... I usually don't read those long responses all the way through, but you, sir, have nailed it right on the head. That pretty much sums it up in the most intelligent way possible. I applaud you.
i wouldn't call his response intelligent.

he does sum up the basic idea behind having kids recite that day after day every morning.

let the kids say it in the morning. i had to say it every morning and it doesn't torment me or anything like that. i remember kids that had some funny perverted versions of the pledge that cracked me up... if i dare say it now i'd be labeled a terrorist so i'll just keep them to myself...:peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
reciting the pledge brings a tear to my eye also-
i believe in every word it says, i am not so much agreeing with the cesspool of today, but the ideals and foundations are how i try to live my life every day, and i teach my children the importance of the words also, i would die for that flag.
and the star spangled banner is my favorite song



Well-Known Member
Way back in the 5th grade I remember saying it. I usually looked at my 5th grade teacher, instead of the flag, because she had a nice rack.