cheddar is comin back at ya!! slh and clone only's


Active Member
As the title said im back !! Under new name and thats the only thing thats changed !!
As the sayin title says GO BIG OR GO HOME MUHAHAHA!
Strains are gonna be :
Las' s super lemon haze
And mostly uk clone only's

Nutes will be
House and garden root exel, cocco a+b, multizyme, bud exel.
canna rhizotonic and pk13/14

veg room is simple and has a little fan and 2x 125 cfls the size is 2ftx4ft nothin special its only a veg room tbf

Flower is 10ftx6ft with 4x600 watt hps 3 with aircooled hoods that is cooled with a 6inch extractor 1 with a dutch barn hood and another 4 inch extractor that is left on 24/7 !!

Method of growin is the simple but efficient hand watering drain to waste. Any mistakes will be solely blamed on me there will be no excuses!! Pots for veg will be simple square 1litre pots and for flower they will be potted up into 6litre airpots all clones will ve done by me and only new strains will be brought in if they are dank and good enough for the flower room haha will be mostly clone only's tbf. Any questions fire away.


Active Member
Las's suoer lemon haze 4 av been in flower a wk I think lol clones will be took tomoz as I forgot I had no jiffy pellets like a dick head!


Active Member
Exodus cheese ill be potting 4 up tonight! Been vegging for 2 wks.
Excited about filling this flower room asap the 4 a wk should be effective enough lookin at 12 oz a wk the lemon will throw me off a little but who cares its there to stay no doubt there will be other clone only's to be brought in by the fairy's so all is gravy I think it might get hectic wot with work so gonna av to try and keep on too of things.


Active Member
Looking good bud.
nice1 bro!!

Yeh them slh look alreet chedz how long do they keep growin after flip?
Roughly 3 wks mate They just keep swelling mate ive tried everythin to keep em as short as possible and the only way is supercropping em they are a leggy fucker so ya need to watch how far the lights am from them anythin more than 6inch under the hoods and your askin for trouble tbh with ya mate


Well-Known Member
Yeh they got a nice structure to em mate room looks nice n fresh aswell...we get some lemon haze round here now n again its peng but only see rarely

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
U got a few.more.picks.and info on ya tall do you let em get before flip....also i see them 125 ain't horizontal.....

in intrested cause i though the 125 i had was shit.....and couldn't penetrate a gathering short an small is your tek...


Active Member
Yeh they got a nice structure to em mate room looks nice n fresh aswell...we get some lemon haze round here now n again its peng but only see rarely
They are a nice plant to grow tbf shauny nice smoke aswell not as good as exo like but sambo will tell ya its a cracker of a smoke.
U got a few.more.picks.and info on ya tall do you let em get before flip....also i see them 125 ain't horizontal.....
Na lad I use em like to get the most out of em side branches grow just the same rate as the main stem when ive supercroped
in intrested cause i though the 125 i had was shit.....and couldn't penetrate a gathering short an small is your tek...
Howdy fella! Good to see you're still alive and well. Looking good as is to be expected.
Fuck me bro wot ya sayin hope yr fuckin lovely lad fuck I thought you d had enough of the place and deserted me lol


Active Member
U got a few.more.picks.and info on ya tall do you let em get before flip....also i see them 125 ain't horizontal.....

in intrested cause i though the 125 i had was shit.....and couldn't penetrate a gathering short an small is your tek...
Sorry lemon fuck knows wot happened there mate
I use em like that so I can get the tip of the bulb the same hight of the pits mate so it has nt really gotta penertrate anythin as there is 2 in there common sense really just like ya would in flower with no shade or hood bro can get em as close as half inch and the fuckers dont burn my plants hence no extraction!!


Active Member
Few pics of the rootball of the exo fuckin amazed at how dense they become in 2wks in the 1litre pots 2 days and they will fill the 6 litres in veg room so I can bang em in flower.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
So how tall do they get in veg, and what do they yield on avg at there finished height....roots looking like theve been dazed lol


Active Member
So how tall do they get in veg, and what do they yield on avg at there finished height....roots looking like theve been dazed lol
Nothin less than 3oz a plant upto 5-6oz bro as for the roots they are like that up until half way through flower mate then they start to brown off as I let the cocco dry out more than I would in veg or start of flower

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Cool man ive flipped some plants at 12".....its the smallest ive ever flipped....i was hopeing for 6oz from 12 tops dwc....knowing that the slh pulls 6 now....ill expect a bit less lol....


Well-Known Member
Exodus, nice lookin grow....Nice & Green....

How come you cup the soil inward around the base of the plants ? Does that have something to do with watering ?

I have my first set of air-pots on the way....1 gall, 3 gall, and 5 gall.... :peace: :weed:


Active Member
Exodus, nice lookin grow....Nice & Green....

How come you cup the soil inward around the base of the plants ? Does that have something to do with watering ?

I have my first set of air-pots on the way....1 gall, 3 gall, and 5 gall.... :peace: :weed:
Yes mate you ll see why wen u get em tricky a fuck at first but the volcano bowl sorted that out !!


Well-Known Member
Yes mate you ll see why wen u get em tricky a fuck at first but the volcano bowl sorted that out !!
ive done the same mate more soil at the edges to block the top holes to prevent water going everywhere while watering, airpots are great but they are also messy fuckers