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Well-Known Member
hey chaos check my setup, do you think it's partitioned enough? i don't think light is getting through and am hoping it'll work.



Well-Known Member
hey chaos check my setup, do you think it's partitioned enough? i don't think light is getting through and am hoping it'll work.
Heya bro, setups lookin nice. Did ya just start 12-12? I think they will fill out perfectly going in that size. Is there a front door that closes up against that shelf during the night? If so Id say your good, but if you have anything that records video, just pop it in there on record when lights go off, even do a test during the day when they come on. Record the room sealed and off for like 1 or 2 min. Then watch and look for light, should be dark. Works well if ya got any kinda vid cam.


Well-Known Member
hey ya thats a good idea. yea i put a door up so it should be good. i'll record and make sure its dark enough.


Well-Known Member
whats the fastest way of harvesting/curing? i have one comin up in a few days and i just want to smoke it!!


Well-Known Member
whats the fastest way of harvesting/curing? i have one comin up in a few days and i just want to smoke it!!
Well harvesting all depends on the strain and when the hairs/trichomes are ripe. usually ya want around 75% of hairs to turn orange. Or you can go by trichomes with a scope and wait till the trichs are mostly amber/cloudy.

As for drying & curing it's something that can't be rushed just like harvesting. I let my bud hang in a dry, dark, cool box/cabinet/room. Then when the stems get to the point where they snap easily, no bending, they go into jars for the curing usually about a week. It is smokable now but will get way better in ever facet after even a week of curing. Just make sure ya burp every jar for at least 30 min a day maybe 2x a day for the first week or 2. Then ya can go down to just opening for 5 min a day until it hits the perfect preserving point. Then it will last a good 6-9 months without any other care. Way longer in a vacuum bag.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well harvesting all depends on the strain and when the hairs/trichomes are ripe. usually ya want around 75% of hairs to turn orange. Or you can go by trichomes with a scope and wait till the trichs are mostly amber/cloudy.

As for drying & curing it's something that can't be rushed just like harvesting. I let my bud hang in a dry, dark, cool box/cabinet/room. Then when the stems get to the point where they snap easily, no bending, they go into jars for the curing usually about a week. It is smokable now but will get way better in ever facet after even a week of curing. Just make sure ya burp every jar for at least 30 min a day maybe 2x a day for the first week or 2. Then ya can go down to just opening for 5 min a day until it hits the perfect preserving point. Then it will last a good 6-9 months without any other care. Way longer in a vacuum bag.:mrgreen:

thanks man thats what i thought. i think this is going to be the hardest part of the grow, i hate waiting!!!! haha but to get the best smoke im going to have to.


Active Member
Okay a little noobish but, Can you do an indoor grow under regular light bulbs? I mean quality and quantity not a factor. Just is it possible?


Well-Known Member
Okay a little noobish but, Can you do an indoor grow under regular light bulbs? I mean quality and quantity not a factor. Just is it possible?
Possible to keep the plant in a condition that would technically be alive, yes. Thats about it though. Ya wont get barely any actual pot to smoke and if ya did it would be very poor quality.


Active Member
How long would my plants grow for under an incandescent light. Just to last a few days till i get some fluorescent light bulbs. This is my first grow. And pretty much have no dough at all.


Active Member
Never mind call it childish but i just went to the local right aid and stole 4 fluorescent 100 watt lights :-/ Bad me.


Well-Known Member
How do? So, do ya happen to know if flowers actually grow mostly in light or in dark? If not, whaddya' think?


Active Member
Probably both ways. From what i would like to think. New leaves and stems start sprouting at night but remember the plant grows toward the light. Just an educated guess...


Well-Known Member
What's up Chaotic. Great thread you got going on here. This question has already been asked and answered but I'd like some reassurance if you don't mind. You said White Rhino, Great White Shark and Trainwreck as a good beginners strain with big yield. I have also come across other posts recommending Big Bud or AK47 and 48. What would be your stamp of approval for a newbie strain with big yield and good for insomnia?



Well-Known Member
How do? So, do ya happen to know if flowers actually grow mostly in light or in dark? If not, whaddya' think?
It definitely grows more in light than dark since photosynthesis only happens during the day. They do however continue to grow a little at night due to stored up nutrients/sugars from the day.


Well-Known Member
So theoretically, a plant that shows pistils at say 13:40 daylight, IF kept at say, 13:30 or 13 thru-out flowering, would out-produce any budded at 12/12 . . . not taking genetics into play?
Is this logical thinking, IYO?


Well-Known Member
So theoretically, a plant that shows pistils at say 13:40 daylight, IF kept at say, 13:30 or 13 thru-out flowering, would out-produce any budded at 12/12 . . . not taking genetics into play?
Is this logical thinking, IYO?
that makes sense but i think the plants need to sleep so they can grow durning the day. less sleep = less grow. thats what i think but i may be wrong


Well-Known Member
Oh I dunno . . . Don't a lot of old folks sleep like 4 hours a night? I'll bet they nap with the curtains open . . . and we're only talking an hour+ 1/2 here.