Invasion of Red and Blue LEDs: Humble Beginnings

Goud, great stuff as usual

Alas everything the antagonists here know, they learned from a chinese led lighting website

And once hey learn something (right or wrong) they refuse to reboot

Our global education system at work

Just the way the controllers envisioned it
Nowdays ,my personal opinion - idea - thought * about led and horticulture is this :

....Since blue dies are the most efficient converting electricity to photons ,
then they should be used as white phosphor coated leds ....

Mj does not need much of those blue wls ...
An amount of 10% to 20 % of total power will be adequate .
The range also seems not to have such drastic photosynthetic ,phototropic and photomorphogenic
differences between different wls of the blue range .The useful range seems to be around 430 to 470 nm .
Only noticeable difference is the photoinhibition caused by the shorter wls of the blue /violet and UV range .
The shorter the wl ,the more degradation of protein D1 at PSII.

Utilising PC white leds (especially COBs ) is an easy and relatively efficient way to provide blue wls along
with the rest wls up to ~ 600 nm

NW should provide enough blue and green wls ,needed for a vigorous vegetative growth .
WW is actually able to grow fine mj plants ,just by itself ...
But let it stay as a mere 'basis' ....We want more than the WW can provide ....
Another great aspect of leds ....They can 'beat ' white light ....
They can ' force' or 'mutate' the plants ,to enhance certain characteristics ,that in no case sunlight or
any other -artificial- white light source possibly could....

Two types of monos are needed -at least- to make the light 'complete' ..
Deep reds and Far reds ....
The spectrum range of 600-800 nm should be covered ,from some 620-640-660-670-720-800 nm leds
But in separate channels ...
FR leds should be switched on ,after mid of flowering ...

What is left is the 'other side' ..
The UV part ....

Monos combined with whites ...
A true gem to our hands and above our plants,of course ....

( Genome Expression Manipulation...)


* Addito salis grano .
Not a guidance,advice or suggestion.
SDS, I mostly agree

Being pragmatic, WW + ~ 10% CW will grow some serious meds for 90%+ of all growers

I liken going the extra Far Red mile to a normally aspirated American V8, which provides more power than 99% will ever engage, but that hasn't stopped the manufactures from either super charging some of them, or twin turboing them for 'ultimate performance'
. Such performance comes at a much higher cost

As it relates to leds, a separate circuit to manually engage, or an automated system to gain what % increase?
SDS, I mostly agree

Being pragmatic, WW + ~ 10% CW will grow some serious meds for 90%+ of all growers

I liken going the extra Far Red mile to a normally aspirated American V8, which provides more power than 99% will ever engage, but that hasn't stopped the manufactures from either super charging some of them, or twin turboing them for 'ultimate performance'
. Such performance comes at a much higher cost

As it relates to leds, a separate circuit to manually engage, or an automated system to gain what % increase?

From neligible % to astonishing ,maybe ?

Who knows ?

Not tested.

Goud, great stuff as usual

Alas everything the antagonists here know, they learned from a chinese led lighting website

And once hey learn something (right or wrong) they refuse to reboot

Our global education system at work

Just the way the controllers envisioned it
What are you a Rhodes scholar then :roll:? Is this "statement" of yours conducive, (, to this conversation in any way? No. It's just a vain attempt to show yourself as superior to people who you aren't intelligent enough to disprove. And where the fuck were you educated? Go ahead Pet tell everyone how you were Pre Med and had to take Botany like you did on ICMAG. C'mon tell us all about you're supposed superior edumacation, you know nothing hick :finger:. Pathetic as always Pet. Pathetic. Does that person who's gear you're going to demo know what a know nothing you are? God I would kill to get those new lights in the hands of someone who knew what they were doing and wasn't a lying turd like you.

And ASSHOLE don't you ever diss my education or my knowledge. See how you link to a synopsis and not to the actual study? IT"S BECAUSE YOU DIDN"T READ THE ARTICLE AND DON"T KNOW WHAT IT SAYS :shock:. That's you're level of education. Only seeing what you want, you ignorant fuckin' turd. Where'd ya learn that critical thinking? Cornell? You wish. Newsflash Pet. The only thing they proved is there's lots of green light on the canopy floors and little plants have adapted to that, not THAT YOU NEED GREEN TO FUCKING GROW WEED YOU THICKHEADED TROLL!

And don't disagree with SDS. He taught you, and that little 2-bit mind of yours all it can comprehend, so the only thing you should say to him is "THANK YOU". A lot!

Help me PetFlora, HELP ME! Evil FranJan is killing me with RBFR!!! LOL
DSCN0406 - Copy.JPG
And if you want me to stop this, either cry to Sunni like you always do or stop trying to set yourself up as some expert and disrespecting others who don't agree with your "statements". From what I can tell your intellect is about moron level so really you should not even speak around here.
Goud, great stuff as usual

Alas everything the antagonists here know, they learned from a chinese led lighting website

And once hey learn something (right or wrong) they refuse to reboot

Our global education system at work

Just the way the controllers envisioned it

I don't know how anyone can take you seriously. You group up everyone into one category and trash them in the can. You have yet to show us any real evidence that your choice of spectrum actually outdoes anyone elses.

Sure you can beat the chinese panel thing with a stick and then run it over a few times but you still have yet to prove anyone that your stance is correct.

Being an asshole doesn't make you right, and your ignorance shines through like a double rainbow in the middle of downtown st louis.
FranJan your plant looks kewl it has a kink in its neck like its lookin at me tell her yoda said WAZZZAHHHHH!!!
This isn't about pet specifically so I think people need to stop focusing on him. Actions speak louder than some plants in action. Lets's see some examples of amazing mono dominant grows. I'm sure they are out their somewhere, so let's see them...???
check out my hydroponics plant grown under two full Spectrum 240w Blackstar LED its huge any estimations on yield?


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I don't know how anyone can take you seriously. You group up everyone into one category and trash them in the can. You have yet to show us any real evidence that your choice of spectrum actually outdoes anyone elses.

Sure you can beat the chinese panel thing with a stick and then run it over a few times but you still have yet to prove anyone that your stance is correct.

Being an asshole doesn't make you right, and your ignorance shines through like a double rainbow in the middle of downtown st louis.

As has been discussed by others here, there is much more to it than just the plant result.

You trash yourselves, I just point it out
Honestly, I don't know why I bother.

Think I'll stick to proving my knowledge with my own grow threads (as I have done here for years), and letting those with open minds decide for themselves.
Pet...seriously....f*#k the haters. Speak your mind...share your opinion.

As far as mono versus cree cob. It's not even close. Without a redesign of monos and how they are used they don't stand a chance against the cobs.

I've got nice nugs six feet away from the light...

Monos can suck a pole...

And not one hint of bleaching that red and blues in bad proportions cause.

Not trying to stomp on lights others own. It ain't about that. Just a fact these cobs are badass and white is right.

Anyone trying to argue that is either...

A - defending their purchase :eyesmoke:
B - just trying to be a dick. Don't be a dick :dunce:
C - a greedy businessman :cuss:

I've spent lots of money on commercial crap. It took a big f u to the industry to get my garden looking right.

Uh oh....did i piss someone off again