please help only 3 weeks left of flower and i really screwed up


Active Member
Ok well long story short my 3 plants are in a basement closet with a tarp over the door next to my laundry room. Well last night before lights out i went into laundry room and when i left i forgot to turn the small floro light off in there....the room and closet plants are in was dark but a very tiny amount of light leaked in from where my duct goes it was never pitch black. This was my only screw up this entire time and i only have 2.5-3 weeks left of the grow till harvest buds are done just thickening i totally screwed what should i do,....actually just going into 7th week of 9 week flower cycle. If they were to herm where would i look for seed formation


DON'T PANIC! I'm not experienced but from what I've read about people leaving lights on for 1 week or off for 2 weeks, it won't affect it much if at all. obviously wait for someone who has actually flowered their plants but I'm sure you're fine:)

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
It's never totally dark outside, unless you are in the far north and it's december. Just take care that you rectify the problem.


Well-Known Member
Like/\ said no worries....

I would like to add, do not harvest early... if Seed said 7-8 week...
9 weeks... Keep on keeping on, tell us how it goes from here on....
Good Luck man... you will be fine

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
If it really worries you. Simply tape over the gap to stop the light leak.

They'll be FINE.....If you can/want simply pull out the naners from the buds.....If it seeds, they will be directly around the banana. NOTE: the seeds will be female


Well-Known Member
Even a small light leak can result in a hermie if the strain is already sensitive and hermie prone.
Chances are small a light leak for a small amount of time, one night, will cause an issue.
But don't rule it out either.


Well-Known Member
DON'T PANIC! I'm not experienced but from what I've read about people leaving lights on for 1 week or off for 2 weeks, it won't affect it much if at all. obviously wait for someone who has actually flowered their plants but I'm sure you're fine:)
Keep reading.

If you take a 6 week flowering plant and leave the light on for a week, you are going to have serious problems. Serious problems.


Well-Known Member
I agree you probably won't have a problem. This is what you want to look for on the buds, if you see them just pick them off with tweezers.



Well-Known Member
keep your fingers crossed. if they start to herm. then they sell stop herm spray. follow the directions . herm will be stop dead in the tracks ! 99 % of the time , you are ok. I lost power once 3 freaking times in the flower room. and the same harvest the timer was jacket up so the light schedule was totally fucked. but it came out just fine. this was a hundred times worse then what you did. 1000 watt hps were running when they were expose to be off. lol. never buy cheap timers.