The P.I.S.S. Method - ( Pee in your Soil Stupid ) Grow Guide

The P.I.S.S. Method

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This thread was created for fun and facts … Urine has been historically used in both agriculture, commodities , leather work even artistic paintings.

But, the Liquid Gold has even more beneficial use in your garden ! :weed:

Many nutrient lines that you currently use have urea based compounds - these aid in nitrogen and photosynthesis. Bagged urea fertilizer can be a solid source of nitrogen ( 45% ) . Urea is neutral in pH and can adapt to almost all kinds of soils. It is a waste product formed naturally by metabolizing protein in humans as well as other mammals, amphibians and some fish. Urea is widely used in the agricultural sector both as a fertilizer and animal feed additive.

The main function of Urea fertilizer is to provide the plants with nitrogen to promote green leafy growth and make the plants look lush. Urea also aids the photosynthesis process of plants. Since urea fertilizer can provide only nitrogen and not phosphorus or potassium, it’s primarily used for bloom growth.

Advantages of Urea Fertilizer
  • Superior Nitrogen content
  • Low production cost, as source is natural
  • Non-flammable and risk-free storage
  • Wide application range, for all types of crops and soils
  • Neutral pH and harmless to crops and soil
But YOUR PEE has so much more ……. Buckets more ! :bigjoint:

Using human urine can help us work toward a closed-loop fertility system. While not a plant-based technique per se, using their own urine is a way that veganic gardeners can cycle back the nutrients from the foods they consume, while also diverting their urine from the water system where it acts as a pollutant.

Our urine contains significant levels of nitrogen, as well as phosphorous and potassium. The relative ratios are typically around 11 parts nitrogen to 1 part phosphorus to 2.5 parts potassium. Americans produce about 90 million gallons of urine a day, containing about 7 million pounds of nitrogen. Studies conducted in Sweden (Sundberg, 1995; Drangert, 1997) show that an adult’s urine contains enough nutrients to fertilize 50-100% of the crops needed to feed one adult.

View attachment 5284237Piss Tip :
By peeing in a carbon-rich medium ( like soil ) to make the elements plant available. For a healthy person, human urine typically has a pH of around 6.2 with a range of 5.5-7.0. A person’s diet and alcohol consumption can also affect the pH of their urine. Pee for the most part is also sterile.

The main organic component of urine is urea, a combination of ammonia and carbon dioxide, which is the byproduct of our bodies breaking down proteins into usable amino acids. Urea is very high in nitrogen, a key ingredient to healthy leafy growth in plants. In addition to being very nitrogen-rich, urine also contains dissolved phosphorus that’s immediately available to plants, making urine a quick-acting fertilizer. Pee also contains various micronutrients that valuable to your garden.

Dog and Cat pee are extremely high in urea - ever see the burned yellow patches on a lawn ? This happens from the high levels of ammonia and salt. Plus the pathogenic dangers from these animals can be a hidden risk.
This is why , this particular piss source is not recommended for our test.

Urine naturally contains salt and the amount can vary depending on a person’s diet. Urine use in arid areas could cause salinization of the soil and should be carefully monitored. Different plants have different tolerances to salt in the soil but an excess concentration of salt could adversely impact plant health and growth. For example, vegetables like potatoes and onions are very salt-sensitive whereas olives and barley are tolerant. Some leafy greens like kale and spinach are moderately tolerant.

So , i plan to start a grow using this method. I will have a plant watered / fed using this method. The plant I will experiment with will be in a precharged soil mix ( mild potting only ) - No dry fertilizer toppings / no liquid nutes . The PEE water will be at a dilute rate of 1:3 to water to start then down to 1:1 over grow.
Some gardeners try to “ store “ large quantities for garden use but I will do this as the plant needs it.


So feel free to “ tinkle in “ on this thread , add your own grows , DIY projects - suggestions or “ piss tips “

Peecycling in your garden for perfect plants !
Tinkle for Terps !
Pee on your plants - not in your pants !

Let’s get this Pee Party Started …..
I use pharmaceuticals so I believe my pee is no good for this but maybe it would create low cholestorol cannabis. And you answered my question as to whether dog pee would be okay so thank you. I already knew dog poop was no bueno but wasnt sure about dog pee. I dont have a dog so why I am writing this I don't know.
Be E-Z pee-zy to pasteurize your own urine in an Instant pot BTW. Just fill the pot, and set it to the warming function for a few hours, which holds foods/liquids at the perfect temp to kill of any bacteria. Set and forget automation ;)

I doubt you really need to when you collect it in a clean way at home though, and considering its already sterile, hopefully not "soiled". If sitting in tanks awhile I would pasteurize again before use though.

I think its pretty amazing that even if a few people were stuck in a desert, they could create their own "peecosystem" that keeps recycling the nutrients over and over. Like the the mariner on the movie waterworld, pissing on his lime tree, lol. At least, that's what it seems like to me.. As if mother nature intended it that way or something..
I use pharmaceuticals so I believe my pee is no good for this but maybe it would create low cholestorol cannabis. And you answered my question as to whether dog pee would be okay so thank you. I already knew dog poop was no bueno but wasnt sure about dog pee. I dont have a dog so why I am writing this I don't know.

Im on meds myself but plants probably dont give a shit. However those with kidney issues or bloody pee probably wouldn’t want to use that.
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Piss Tip :

Better Yields thru ASSmopheric Injection ( AI ) :bigjoint:
It’s true … we are now in the age of computer AI…. “Butt“ another breakthrough is only an asshole away.
Here is a simple , sustainable , free and powerful way to shred those terps out of every plant !

Your stank ass farts contain life giving gases, such as nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane, but a small portion includes hydrogen sulfide, which causes it smell like rotten eggs.

And who doesn’t love eggs ?

It has been found that more pleasant smelling compounds, including alpha- and beta-pinene and limonene are present those valuable air-bisquits.
Terps ….. God Damn TERPS.

You are literally shitting terps.
( Mind Blown :o )

Think about all of those valuable amendments left in your stank ass bloomers . Every time you shit your pants , whether at church , walking down the street or for no fucking reason. Even the huge loss in “ Garden Gold “ when you piss yourself - leaving all of that hobo loving stink liquid running down your leg .

Time to Turn Up the TERPS !

Follow this simple 2 step method to make your garden reek with “ Danky Diaper DANK

Step 1 : Position yourself for maximum flow thru - works in open room grows or indoor tent setups . Ambient CO2 levels will rise …
Spread your swamp ass cannon and hold until you chamber the appropriate Terp Torpedo.
Note : You can apply this Gas Attack during Lights on or Lights off.

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Step 2 : Time to release “ The CRACKen “ ….. push out all those airborne plant enriching nutrients .
Grunting and Trembling are common symptoms in this process. Multiple crop dusting is encouraged for sativas / IBL landraces.

Note : If you have the propensity to shit yourself ( lack of control / diarrhea ) - you may want to lay down plastic and see a psychologist/ medical doctor.
Note : No open flame :fire: Don’t be like one of those stupid fucks that blast BHO in the bathroom and blow up your ass.

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Enjoy the fruits of your labor and savor that Swamp Ass Goodness. :weed:
Oh my god you got me laughing so hard i bout shit and pissed myself. Guess i should read these posts in my growspace to maximize the effect. lol! Oh my, ive missed a shitload of bathroom fertilization edification! Had a death in the family and sure needed a good laugh. Thanks but damn you i gotta change my drawers now :)
I use pharmaceuticals so I believe my pee is no good for this but maybe it would create low cholestorol cannabis. And you answered my question as to whether dog pee would be okay so thank you. I already knew dog poop was no bueno but wasnt sure about dog pee. I dont have a dog so why I am writing this I don't know.
I was gonna write a blog , but then i got high.
Yellow Dream -

She went to 12/12 today and have pee pee crossed that she will transition to flower without issue. Since i gave her the Wonder Whizz yesterday ( thursday ) i dont expect another draining the lizard on her for at least a couple days.

I am hoping my Kelp Piss Concoction will not overwhelm her . The Worm Tea Pee worked but will see what happens with this different mixture .

Ok so yellow cake is finally dried back and recouped from the previous flooding of pee. I chose to apply a spirulina tea consisting of 2 oz of urine, 1L of water, and 3/4 teaspoons of spirulina. The ratio of urine to water should be close to a 10 to 1 dilution. I'm only applying this to the 3 seedlings in the middle row and one in the middle left row.:bigjoint:


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Ok so yellow cake is finally dried back and recouped from the previous flooding of pee. I chose to apply a spirulina tea consisting of 2 oz of urine, 1L of water, and 3/4 teaspoons of spirulina. The ratio of urine to water should be close to a 10 to 1 dilution. I'm only applying this to the 3 seedlings in the middle row and one in the middle left row.:bigjoint:

Well well - look at you getting all fancy pee pants

Excellent idea.