unpopular and hotbutton personal and political beliefs.


Well-Known Member
So your proposed action is to punish innocent children by taking away their only source of food?
No one said it was a popular or easy choice. I don't feel like their inability to practice safe sex should become my financial burden. Sure its fucked up but its the truth. I shouldn't have to pay for your lack of human decency and parenting skills.

U act is if I said elimante welfare. A responsible parent will have no trouble passing a drug test

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
No one said it was a popular or easy choice. I don't feel like their inability to practice safe sex should become my financial burden. Sure its fucked up but its the truth. I shouldn't have to pay for your lack of human decency and parenting skills.

U act is if I said elimante welfare. A responsible parent will have no trouble passing a drug test
Kind of an insane policy, it's not like they live somewhere else.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
No one said it was a popular or easy choice. I don't feel like their inability to practice safe sex should become my financial burden. Sure its fucked up but its the truth. I shouldn't have to pay for your lack of human decency and parenting skills.

U act is if I said elimante welfare. A responsible parent will have no trouble passing a drug test
So you are going to punish the child because the parent is irresponsible? A child with hard working and responsible parents deserves to eat more than a child of scum bag drug addicts?

In that case why have welfare at all? Survival of the fittest. You aren't responsible enough to feed your child then your genetic lineage will die out.


Well-Known Member
Quet with a post u can't argue with. +Rep. I knew there was question to its efficiency I wasn't aware it had been put to test already. I still think what I think... however its hard to argue numbers :joint:

Edit :I never said welfare meant drug use... ever. I'm saying that if u use manufactured chemical drugs u shouldn't get welfare period. I'm not saying if ur on welfare u do drugs I'm saying if u do drugs u shouldn't be allowed on welfare.. just wanna make that clear. I don't instantly judge people cause they're on welfare unless I know them as I do many in this little place.


Ursus marijanus
Insane......ly well put. Like I said with abortion its a battle within myself so I try and avoid having that battle with others as I'm not entirely sure where I stand.. too case by case. And again as u said extremely well. There's no way to reform abortion without any implication of religious preference. Based on those two facts its not something I advocate but again, my mind does like the thought of making someone convince 7 others they should be allowed to end a life. (Sick I know. But to me its no sicker than abortion itself.) My biggest Issue is he internal struggle between what intellect thinks and emotion feels. I suspect we all do it just seems perhaodls I allow mine to have more effect than necessary on me.
I get that. Perhaps it's a mark of my age: my passions recede and leave my reasons in sharper relief.
But I see a colossal and (to me so far) irreconcilable conflict that underlies all politics; compassion v. practicality. It has me abdicating, choosing the centrist's nonposition. Socialism I view as humane, compassionate, and not humanly practicable. it runs headlong against the walls of human nature. (A bit more below.)

The other extreme, highlighted in this country by certain subschools of libertarianism, removes the express obligation to care for our neighbors and returns us to a time when individual failure made individual hardship, suffering, and perhaps death a likely outcome. It's an age-old problem: you have a walled village with enough stores to see its populace through, but the countryside is beset by starving hordes. Bar the gate yes/no?
I'm honestly envious of he means.in which you verse your arguments lol. U make solid points without it being personal. I like your rationale.
Thank you for the tremendous compliments.
In terms of welfare well just have to agree to disagree. Entitlements in general are growing insanely ridiculous IMO. Veterans and the elderly should be cared for undoubtedly but otherwise u should need to piss. If u lived a long working life and retired or risked your life and limb for my liberties u better believe I will do for u as I can when I can. I always but for militaryif they happen to be where I'm eating or gassing up. I guess what I'm getting at is my idea of governments role is very unconventional in comparison to most.

I feel like I'm talking in circles here lol. This is why I don't get into these things I lack the attention spanand vocabulary to properly explain myself or stay on a particular topic lol
Another has already raised the key argument. I don't see good in punishing the children for the parents' misdeeds. Welfare is inherently inefficient, and it presents the underprivileged (which in the States really means undermonied) with the greatest game available; play the system. Humans are instinctive seekers after advantage, and their games evolve as fast as the system generates immune responses. It feeds back into why I believe socialism is doomed to fail. cn


Well-Known Member
So you are going to punish the child because the parent is irresponble?
In that case why have welfare at all? Survival of the fittest. You aren't responsible enough to feed your child then your genetic lineage will die out.
Amen brother u said it. Truth is ugly ain't it? Now I'm being sarcastic to a degree obviously here. I'm not for cutting welfare in all. But regulations need to be much tighter. Abuse is rampant in my area and that's undeniable. Its not about what the kids deserve be clear. Were that the case they deserve better parents. Its.a complex issue with no one real.solution sure. "Casualties of war" if u will. Its not that they don't deserve food its that they were unfortunately born to scumbag parents that have lost (IMO) all morals. It takes a sick person to take advantage of something like welfare. In which case most people are products of their environment therefore its not extremely far fetched to assume that they will be no different. If u get mites do u let them be and hope they evolve into carnivores or do u stop them at the ssource? (EXTREME generalization of course.. hate to pose a slippery slope argument here but hey.. wtf right lol.)

I'm not saying genocide for the record lol. I'm just saying there is an undeniable problem that needs addressed or people like me are liable to start working under the table and stop paying into welfare. J don't mean that as in a childish hey let all protest way. But if that's what its gonna take then sure.. end the whole thing and let nature take its course the only way it would hurt is emotionally. But in retrospect it would likely be viewed as a great choice. The dinosaurs were magnificent but sacrificed but look what became from that power void. I'm getting way off again lol. I need a :joint:

It'd be sad to see all those who might perish without assistance but just like in a garden u weed out the weak and the garden benefits... wow that sounds much more barbaric Haha. I suck at this explaining myself deal

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
So you are going to punish the child because the parent is irresponsible? A child with hard working and responsible parents deserves to eat more than a child of scum bag drug addicts?

In that case why have welfare at all? Survival of the fittest. You aren't responsible enough to feed your child then your genetic lineage will die out.
The survivors will become rugged individualists that build perpetual motion machines.


Well-Known Member
tld! Why wait brother? Hop on in. I'm loving this thread. Good vibe to it. Plenty of light humor and sarcasm but plenty respectful and informative. The waters warm take a dip.


Well-Known Member
tld! Why wait brother? Hop on in. I'm loving this thread. Good vibe to it. Plenty of light humor and sarcasm but plenty respectful and informative. The waters warm take a dip.
kids are awake and constantly distracting me. got lots going on today. the great thing is though... Im on both sides of both arguments ;) in that you find reality and undeniable truth n fact :)


Well-Known Member
I get that. Perhaps it's a mark of my age: my passions recede and leave my reasons in sharper relief.
But I see a colossal and (to me so far) irreconcilable conflict that underlies all politics; compassion v. practicality. It has me abdicating, choosing the centrist's nonposition. Socialism I view as humane, compassionate, and not humanly practicable. it runs headlong against the walls of human nature. (A bit more below.)

The other extreme, highlighted in this country by certain subschools of libertarianism, removes the express obligation to care for our neighbors and returns us to a time when individual failure made individual hardship, suffering, and perhaps death a likely outcome. It's an age-old problem: you have a walled village with enough stores to see its populace through, but the countryside is beset by starving hordes. Bar the gate yes/no? Thank you for the tremendous compliments.

Another has already raised the key argument. I don't see good in punishing the children for the parents' misdeeds. Welfare is inherently inefficient, and it presents the underprivileged (which in the States really means undermonied) with the greatest game available; play the system. Humans are instinctive seekers after advantage, and their games evolve as fast as the system generates immune responses. It feeds back into why I believe socialism is doomed to fail. cn
This fkin Guy. Lol. So passive aggressive it makes me feel soothingly enraged lol. Jp.
I can't say ur wrong or that I really disagree to any extent honestly. Yet again saying it how I fail to be able to Haha. I'm really to undecided to put any major opinion out there on many things with the few obvious exceptions. My inability to find reason between heart and mind kinda makes me inept to a degree in terms of politically policies hence why I tend to discuss and explain my oddball thoughts rather than debate them. I am aware that there is conflict in my thoughts and human nature is much like the weather. It makes it hard to say one thing or another one way or another.
Always nice to have a like minded but level headed counterpart... makes the whole.process.much more.informative than any debate I've ever seen lol.

My issue is conveying my thoughts while affirming the impracticalities without sounding like I'm back peddeling or flip flopping. I believe in what I say however for reasons many unknown I fail to be able to express why I feel so. Dig? Or is this just sounding like.more.psycho babble? Haha


Ursus marijanus
Am I really displaying passive aggression, Sensai? I truly hope not.

As to the rest of it, I understand the power of emotion-based belief, and am not belittling it. I am an introspective sort ... some would say to a pathological degree. Thus I have found it very useful and informative to challenge my deepest-held beliefs from time to time - the ones that I viscerally feel are beyond either reason or the need for it. If you're capable of this - I recommend it. Ime not many are. It's damn painful (and shameful. It's no fun looking at one's own presumptions and prejudices.) at times, but it has led me on at least two occasions to change deepest bits of my Weltanschauung, how I see the world to operate. I experienced those moments of realignment as crises of faith. i use that word in its wide sense, not the one that has been co-opted by practitioners and students of religion.

As for backpedaling: in your writing style I see a reflection of myself. i will taste an idea, roll it around, inspect it from all sides. Complex ideas tend to excite an ambivalent response. i see that as a sort of intellectual honesty, as commendable as it is vulnerable. I will pledge to you that i will not willingly not take potshots into the open armor. cn


Well-Known Member
kids are awake and constantly distracting me. got lots going on today. the great thing is though... Im on both sides of both arguments ;) in that you find reality and undeniable truth n fact :)
Understandable. Argument? More of a cheerfully agreeable learning experience for me lol.
Absolutely, I'm not a conspiracy theorist or out of touch with reality. And I'm not looking to come off as one.by any means I see reason and realize that most of these deas are those that couldn't exist without an ideal situation the proverbial perfect world if I dare I suppose. But were that the case none of it would be necessary and I'd shit rainbow and magic flavored pop tarts. And this conversation would be pointless lol. I'm not by any means set in Hess thoughts nor do I vote according to them. I find the obvious balance required to be a functioning member of society but I believe we all have that voice in our head that whispers these thoughts but we dare not vocalize. I'm interested I suppose in that aspect. The fairly far fetched or.extreme or irrational views. If u can't laugh at urself ur not truly happy ya know?

Racism for example. I'm not racist in the least bit personally. But I do enjoy he jokes and stereotypes and get a giggle every now and then. We have 3 African Americans in my town and they're awesome awesome people.. he grows some.fucking.fire.too... but they're a family and.once a week the Guy came.in and bought a case of 15 fantastic "scrawberry "sodas as he put its... I wont lie I die laughing everytime. Racially insensitive? Sure... but funny as fuck? U better believe it. I told him about it one day and we had a good laugh about it. But its hat little voice that interest me... I guess... I wanna hear what everyone's little voice says.. I've always enjoyed the thought of talking about it but I come from a.strict Catholic conservative Republican family that would largely disown me if they heard half the shit I thought or.joked.about lol. My aunt would literally go to the dea if she found out I was growing medical. Her middle name is Reagan lol. But the somewhat anonymity of the forum grants me the opportunity to discuss things like that free of any real judgment. And if they did judge u.. well its he internet lol. So lets hear everyone else's crazy shit


Well-Known Member
No passive aggressive isn't the right word for it. Lol. Ur able to be firm and assertive with your point but so agreeable about it its hard to find anything to.respond to Haha. Ur great attitude is counterproductive to this discussion sir.. meanwhile its the backbone of his discussion sir. Lol.

Very kind honest wise words spoken from a likewise man. I certainly do try an review my convictions from time to time. This sounds weird but I took to heart a poster I saw in class in 2nd grade I'm sure we've all seen it "ur mind is like a.parachute it works best when open" so I try not to take an assertive stance on things especially miniscule or preference based. I'm aware that Boone's perfect nor.is heir thought process but there will always be someone better. What's important is to use their examples to better yourself instead of festering spite towards that person. See also "hater " apparently lol. Not too up to date on the slang these days. I aspire to learn everywhere I can and maybe makes some.friends and have some fun along the way.


Well-Known Member
Do bad cats go to doggie heaven? This one has cost me some sleep. cn
Got any rick bobby memes? U seem to have a pic for everything lol. Anything along the lines of "what did that do for ya? That just blow.ur mind?"

I thought things like " why are they called apartments if they're not apart?" And " why is it cargo if itcomes in on a ship but a shipment if it comes in a car" were deep.... but u just fucked my brain up lol

Kite High

Well-Known Member
I believe Politicians, Popes and Preachers should be swinging from the end of ropes...and that when that occurs the World of Humanity will propsper