Dang, Lokie; I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm guessing you tried sleeping with a mouthguard ... cn
Yes I went to a maxillofacial surgeon and had a mouth guard made.
It was intended to be used only at night, the symptoms were lessened
so i started wearing it all of the time, except for meal time of course.
The TMJ rarely "locks up" now, before the mouth piece there would be
days at a time, 4 or 5 times a year, i would have tears just going to mc d's, the food is not top notch after all, and I would
have to forcibly open my jaw, anyone within 5 feet can hear the POP when I have
to force them apart. Yes tears.
The real FU part is medicine does not thoroughly support TMJ treatment and diagnosis.
Some think it medical ( a muscle and joint issue ) some say its dental (it does effect dental health)
so insurance companies say we only pay X as a lifetime pay out.
I have read online from other TMJ patients the cost can far exceed what
insurance covers.
Treatment is so disagreed upon that there is one group
of folks that say it is in the mind and you can train to not think about it and relaxation
techniques will make it go away. BS! I'll bet those fucks were eating more than pizza for a week straight.
pizza is thin and can get in the pie hole, chewing is slow but the alternative of jello is not filling.
My condition is both jaws and displace both ways.
Does that make me bi bi or just quad?

I'm special, at least that's what
they told us when the special bus pulled up.