


    Hi there! I recently upgraded to LEDs and in the mean time parted with the experienced grower I had partnered with... (boot straps up, organics incoming!) So last run (I didn't finish it) I noticed that the plants began to curl and stems became purple and very hard during the veg state...
  2. Yadam

    Organic Earth Juice Nutrients - Plant Problems

    Hi There, I tried posting this in the plant problems forum, but it was recommended that I try here because i'm using Earth Juice organic nutrients. I keep having issues in flower. Every day my plants are looking worse and worse. I’m using Earth Juice Big 5 nutrients in a 2x4 tent. I have a...
  3. C

    What nutrient deficency is this?

    Hi first time doing an organic grow and this seedling is getting sick. Can anyone help ID this issue? Grow info: Soil:,Fox Farm Light Warrior 60%, perlite 20%, EarthWorm Castings 20% light: Mars Hydro tsw2000 lowest setting 24” above canopy. One small fan for ventilation Temp: 82F RH: 75% water...
  4. C

    Top Dressing

    When top dressing your soil how long does it take the soil to breakdown and absorb the nutrients from the top dressing into the plant's roots? ( the ph is 6.4) Is there a rule of thumb for this, or does it depend on the plant itself?
  5. Geekloveart

    50 gallon garden bed organic indoor grow

    Hey, so thought I'd start up a thread on my latest grow, I set up a 80 x 80 x 30cm garden bed in my grow tent that's just over 50 gallons. This is my 4th indoor grow, I grow fully organic and this will be the 3rd grow reusing my soil, although I usually grow in 7g fabric pots so I needed a butt...
  6. C

    Peruvian Seabird Guano Tea

    For anyone with experience with compost teas; specifically AACT brewers. What is guano tea supposed to smell like? I’ve made a couple solid batches of non guano tea and they smell sweet and earthy. This tea has an “unusual smell”. The guano itself smells literally like S*** but the tea doesn’t...
  7. Egzoset

    In Québec it seems there can be no LP with "organic" or "GOD" written in its commercial name...

    [ https:// ] Cannara Biotech Inc. enters into definitive agreement to acquire TGOD's state-of-the-art cultivation and...
  8. Green_Alchemist

    Would compost tea pair well with bottled nutrients? Or no go?

    Good day all, I have 2 girls that fell into my care a week or so ago, and have started bottled nutrients (as I can’t get any info on what they used for nutrients, organic or not, or even the medium used..) I figured bottled would be safest. however.. I normally work with Organics and dry...
  9. MarsSP

    Nice to be here and grow again. Thank you Roll It Up!!!!

    Hello people from RIU!! I'm Mars, but from São Paulo, Brazil. Growing since 2008, had to stop for a couple of years due to my financial situation. Now i'm getting back, you guys have no idea how trashful can weed be in São Paulo. That's we call here 'prensado' (pressed), because dealers has to...
  10. PersonaBotanica

    Rate my soil recipe

    I'm working on a new, organic-ish soil recipe - first it will be used in my container vegetable garden, then if it works well, I'll use it for future cannabis grows. Right now, it's 3x bag local topsoil (1 cubic foot each) 1x bag organic composted humus and manure (1 cubic foot) 1x solo cup...
  11. N

    Ecothrive & Indoor Organics Eco-Life Question

    Hi so at the moment I’m currently in a 1.5 x 1.5 tent with two 600 watt leds growing in 5 gallon pots in coco. I’m looking at changing how I grow and come across eco life living soil, the problem I’m coming up against is they suggest using 45L of soil in a 15 gallon pot and 4 pots in a m2 tent...
  12. T

    Anybody grow like Mr. Canucks on YouTube?

    Ok, so I need to know. He grows in Coco with organic dry amendments. I read people calling him a fraud... Here is the question: DOES THAT WORK? Can that work? what is your experience with this method??
  13. WakeBake

    What is this in one pot?

    Hello Growers I am growing organically in a mix of soil, cocopeat, perlite, vermicompost in ratios of 35:35:20:10 Regular bad seeds. Growing outdoors, completely naturally. One of my pots (orange one) looks fine, the other (Yellow one) has these leaves turning yellowish. I am definitely not...
  14. D

    Would you guys send it to flower like this?

    Hi RIU, I hope this finds you well. Im looking for a second opinion, I was thinking about sending my plants to flower in about a week, maybe a few days more. They were in 1 gallon pots at the begging, and transplanted one about 2 weeks ago into the 10 gallon pot (the black one), and the other...
  15. B

    Question for the vegan growers

    I've been using Down to earth vegan mix 3-2-2 and here is the list of what's in it Derived from: Soybean Meal, Neem Seed Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Rock Phosphate, Langbeinite, Greensand and Kelp Meal ALSO CONTAINS NON-PLANT FOOD INGREDIENT(S): 2.5% Humic Acids derived from Leonardite My question is...
  16. W


    Hey all, Not first time growing, but, first time growing in purely organic soil build. I am starting to have a few rust patches on some of the middle growth of my canopy, along with red stems. I am thinking it might be Phosphorus def. Its just weird because all of the other plants are...
  17. KlompenOG

    J1 Hashplant goes 12/12

    Here is my journal for J1 Hashplant going into flower. I just started her on the 30th, right at midnight. She's in a 9ish gallon homemade grow bag, and she is easily the biggest girl we've put into this chamber. She's so much taller than her predecessors that I had to remove the foam blocks that...
  18. H

    1st Time Organic Grow. Need Help Please.

    Hello guys. This is my first time grow. All I'm using is Pure Organic ingredients, Organic Soil from woods and water my plants with Spring Water collected from woods also, occasionally I water with Organic Herbal Teas and Flowers collected from Nature, Banana Peels and Amanita Muscaria extracted...
  19. kingjackpot23

    1 month 1 week

    Sour Og Florara series +Nectar+calmag 1/3 peat 1/3 vermiculite and 1/3 perilite Lil bit a worm poop, dolemite and gysum also. First grow ever. Started with a 24 w Florescent and a youtube light playing around then things got going now I'm growing. Grew vegetables, fruits, and house plants...
  20. starcraftguy1988

    Bagged attempt at living soil

    Basically the title. I bought two bags of Roots organics soil and two bags of Brut Super soil I also mixed in one bag of this Organic Perlite. Have it all mixed into a 50 gallon garbage and will be running it in 5 10 gallon smart pots, plan on adding ewc/bloom teas for flowering. From what ive...