Death row


Well-Known Member
so, put em in jail and rehabilitate, to get out and kill again and again and again!!! my way alot less innocent people die!

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
ask yourself this question , would you leave youre loved ones, children , familly locked in a house with this guy for a week ? if the answer is no then he shouldnt be free to roam society .
if the answerr is yes then you're a very forgiving person .
No I wouldn't because I don't know him personally, I'm just expressing my opinion after I watched a tv programme. What if he had been one of my children or your son locked up from the age of thirteen, and you had visited him and watched him grow into a man and he told you of his remorse and you could see how he had changed you would want him to be considered at least for a proper life would you not.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Had they executed him back then, he would not have been a statistic in the prison costs for 27 years.

interestingly, this is the main reason why i am against the death penalty.

oh, you're going to kill me? when? when i'm fucking 87 years old? it's a bunch of feel-good bullshit that serves no purpose than to make people feel like "something was done". it doesn't bring back the victims, it's fucking expensive housing them in special units, and they can appeal the sentence for years with the lawyer bills being footed by the taxpayers. it's a miscarriage of justice to bleed society dry just so politicians can whore for votes and pat themselves on the back for being "tough on crime". a lot of people facing life would rather die anyway.

you want to fry a guy/jab him with a needle/whatever? pay for it your fucking self.
an eye for an eye.......that would cure things pretty fucking fast.ur hand

you steal, chop of your hand.
looking at your neighbors wife, eyes are gone.
Toby tries to run, chop off another foot.

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
The people of earth have been murdering people for 1000's of years. Only within the past 200 years has it truly become unacceptable. Basic human instinct is to be violent. Survival of the fittest. Any organism that is alive lives by this basic fundamental principle. Viruses, bacteria, animals, and humans the same.


Ursus marijanus
OK, fine.
If they molest someone, keep them locked up long enough for the molested to grow up and choose for themselves whether or not to return the favor with a cactus.
It is my opinion that the criminal punishment system should be cleaned of all revenge as motive.
I don't agree with CN's outlook on this, but I've never seen the side of him you speak of.
Thank you for that. cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Yea but CN likes to post pictures of little kids and use them for pedo jokes so the small children abuse is off the shelf for him. Exploitation of a strangers kid for his kicks is ok. So the moral compass may be a little skewed for him, atleast with his online persona.
It looks like I'm in the same league as CN. I post pedo-bear pics every now and then. I get a good chuckle out of them. Why? Because I'm adult enough to realize it's humor. Simple plain humor. I guess my moral compass is fucked up as well.

My favorite pedo pic:



Well-Known Member
I some how missed this topic or thread. I use to work with a man that was executed in prison.He received lethal injection. I had known this man for 5 years when one morning at work I look up and their are police running everywhere at our place of employment. I see them grab him and put him in hand cuffs. He and I had just finished eating breakfast together. He seemed no different than any other day.I never would have thought this guy could do what he was put to death for. I cant put his name on here cause I had to go to trial as a subpoenaed witness. My name is in some of the written articles about him. Not all of them but a few, It just says that I testified for the state. Other wise I would let you see what he did. The only reason I'm telling you this ,you never know how some one will act after they have done such a horrific thing as murder. People can fool you in so many ways.And when I say murder ,,,, it was a small part of what he had done.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
At 13 there's not enough cognitive reasoning developed to understand certain things... Like the full consequences of murder, to the victim and the perpetrator QUOTE)

I call BULLSHIT even my 10 year old knows that murder is wrong. I don't give a shit. People know at a very young age that death is bad.

I am a bit on the fence on this subject tho. I understand that our great justice system can be and has been wrong at times. Overzealous prosecutors and LEO's certainly make this subject harder to accurately judge. There are many well documented cases of wrongful convictions, and nothing could be worse than executing an innocent man/woman. I do believe in an eye for an eye tho. If you catch a man stealing cut his hand off. I guarantee there will be less thefts. They won't be able to steal if caught twice.:clap:

If it is proven beyond question that the person is guilty. Or if the man freely confesses.(even confessions can be coerced tho) I say leave it up to the wronged families. Let them decide if the person lives or dies. My family has been the victim of an unsolved murder. My great grandfather was shot behind his small diner in a robbery. Leaving my great grandmother to raise their children alone. In a time before all of the social welfare systems we have today this put a great strain on her. Personally, I would love to flip the switch on ol' sparky myself for that fuker.:fire: Some victimized families do not believe in the death penalty though and their wishes should be acknowledged.

One problem I see w/life w/o parole is who foots the bill? Perhaps we should send the bill to all the bleeding hearts.

Maybe after getting a bill for a few thousand dollars every month some would change their minds. The lives of those worthless fucks might not be so important after that.

end rant:peace:


Well-Known Member
I accept that it is possible for an innocent person to be put to death.
I believe it is a lesser evil than the killing of the MANY that the death sentence deters.

Murder doesn't just kill one person, it kills off a line of people dateing from the first knuckledragger that walked the earth.
Not killing the offender allows him to have more offspring and over time the effect on our evolution is that there will be more and more people with the disposition for murder.
Also it furter victimises the dead and their loved ones in that they have to pay to keep the offender in jail, fed, educated, and looked after medicaly.


Well-Known Member
I've just watched a programme on tv about a high security prison in Indiana where they have twelve in mates on death row, their was one guy who had been in their since he was fifteen for killing two old ladies he clearly wasn't the same person that went into jail all those years ago, he had served 27 yrs of a 170 year sentence he had educated his self through reading and was well spoken and intelligent. I think his case should be looked at again it's madness to jail a boy and expect him to end his days their,he knows nothing about the outside world and I'm sure would love the chance to make things right what do you all think,should he be given that chance or be kept in a cage like an animal which basically is what was happening to him after all he was just thirteen when he committed the crime and sent to this prison at fifteen, he's now a grown man with a different outlook on life.
I'm not reading all the threads but if your found guilty for taking a life and sent to prison you die there and should have the option of assisted death if they want it.


Well-Known Member
Eye for an eye when the crime serves it. In this case, eye for an eye.

Put flesh eating cherubs in a pocket pussy and shove his dick inside.

Then put his nuts on a dresser, just his fucking nuts, and hit them shits with a spiked fucking bat. Sew his asshole shut and keep feedin him and feedin him and feedin him..


New Member
Eye for an eye when the crime serves it. In this case, eye for an eye.

Put flesh eating cherubs in a pocket pussy and shove his dick inside.

Then put his nuts on a dresser, just his fucking nuts, and hit them shits with a spiked fucking bat. Sew his asshole shut and keep feedin him and feedin him and feedin him..
I can't believe I just read that from a "lawyer"....don't make it too obvious that you lie about your profession lol.


Well-Known Member
Most of these criminals on DR are sick and twisted to the point they are not human. Death row serves a purpose. So the kid who just shot up the school of first graders or the guy who did the movie theater,salon, mall, school shootings should just be caged up the rest of his life on my/your dime. no way ! IMO


Well-Known Member
Then put his nuts on a dresser, just his fucking nuts, and hit them shits with a spiked fucking bat. Sew his asshole shut and keep feedin him and feedin him and feedin him..

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to see4 again.
