Survival kit -- What would be in yours?

Hehe...I'm gonna go in a slightly different direction here, but...

For the last few years, I've been learning about wild edibles. I've been reading the journals of explorers to this area and biographies of native life to figure out how they did stuff.
I try and do one meal a week 'au natural' during the growing season to learn about preparing this stuff. One of my favorites last year was a fresh spring salmon we stuffed with blackberries, chanterelles, and fiddleheads all wrapped in skunk cabbage leaves and roasted under a firepit.
Knowledge is light, easy to pack, and doesn't have an expiry date.
A bong or a vaporizer.. cause I tried to roll a joint last nite and fuuuuuuck that silly shit!!!! Seems so Neanderthal.
Canteen w/ sanitizer tabs
Mirror (to signal rescue aircraft)
Whistle (to scare wildlife and save voice from screaming in the event a human comes near)
Emergency blanket
First-Aid Kit
Waterproof lighter (x3).
Tent, flares, firestart kit, knife w/sharpening stone, bow w/arrows, seed for every strain, a lb of dank, axe, and rope.
Really all you need is:

Aluminum foil
Toilet paper
Some bud

The foil can be used to cook on. You may have forgotten you ate....but you did. No worries.
Toilet paper for obvious reasons.

1. When the toilet paper is gone you have the roll.
2. Hold the roll horizontal and make a hole.
3. Take a piece of the foil and make a bowl.

(I think I just found my new sig)

Now you have a pipe. When you are done smoking, get off the shitter, walk into the kitchen, open the fridge, and have some left over chinese food.

I feel like McGuiver lol :) I would have:-

1000 cash,
Cell Phone + Spare battery in water proofed bag,
Knife (swiss army)
Powdered food (add water)
Mars Bars,
Water purifing powder,
Toilet paper (in water proof bag)
Razor Blade,
Cocaine, Wake up stay alert,
Credit Card,
Horse Pill (Ketimin) Sleeping in tough situations,
Oz mad chronic, fags, skins, chill+sleep aid
1st aid kit,
Novacaine, numbing wounds/mouth/teeth,
1L of Brandy, for fighting against coldness (sedative),
Driving licence,
Warm hat,
Torch, (Wind up)
Radio, (Wind up)
Salt n Pepper,
Fem'd Bud Seeds,
Magnifying Glass,
500ml Parafin,
Mountaineering rope,
Tazer Gun,
Cable Ties,
Hand axe,
Life vest,
Pack of cards,
Luminous Spray-Paint,
Mess tins,
Role of bin liners,
Sleeping bag,
Wire Snips (Pliars),
Deep heat pack,
Alo Vera & Neem Plant extracts,
Super Glue,
Sun Glasses,
Eye Drops,
Water Proof mack+trousers.

There's prob a few other bits I would add...But these are just off the top of my head - STELTHY :leaf:
In my backpack at ALL times:
BFK (big effing knife)
small knife
back up knife- I will NEVER be without a knife
sharpening stone
Space blanket
Rain poncho
Magnesium stick
wire cutters/ strippers
gloves (my hands are always cold)
Parachute cord- this stuff is super strong, and can be broken down into thread if necessary
first aid kit- band aids, sanitizer, needle, razor blade, magnifying glass & tweezers
small bubbler
water bottle- for drinking and filling the bubbler

The only thing I have to grab on my way out is the jar of weed by the door.
I keep these things in my backpack always. Ya never know when the next tsunami is gonna hit. And thanks to the previous lists I have a few things to add to my list, namely some seeds!
I can't believe I'm the only one who has chosen to bring along a pocket pussy. I feel like the odd man out...
1 gallon of bleach (2 drops is enough to clear bacteria in a gal of water)
fire rock (flint) however it's called.
fist aid kit with an antiseptic and morphine
a machete
hand cranked radio
small mirror
sleeping bag
fishing line and a few hooks
some wire to set some snare traps
sleeping bag
emergency blankets
some sort of side-arm, preferably a glock....

that's about it.....
That really hurt my feelings.

@secretweapon - woohoo! There are now two in my wolfpack!

I was just playing with ya! To each their own! Bring two or more of them! Then your buddies can use one and we won't have any more Broke Back Mountains!
I was just playing with ya! To each their own! Bring two or more of them! Then your buddies can use one and we won't have any more Broke Back Mountains!

I too, was just playin. No worries man. Im really sensitive about the sex thing, I suffer from micro-penis, my dick is incredibly tiny, I'm talking infant tiny. So whenever fine men such as yourself, with what I have to assume have a massive dong, makes a wise crack about my sexuality or penis size, I start to cry. Its cool though man, no worries.

Can we hug it out? ( Assuming you have been part of a circle jerk before. I gotta assume so, with your manly man meat. )
I too, was just playin. No worries man. Im really sensitive about the sex thing, I suffer from micro-penis, my dick is incredibly tiny, I'm talking infant tiny. So whenever fine men such as yourself, with what I have to assume have a massive dong, makes a wise crack about my sexuality or penis size, I start to cry. Its cool though man, no worries.

Can we hug it out? ( Assuming you have been part of a circle jerk before. I gotta assume so, with your manly man meat. )

Now I'm am scared! But It's Cool! Cause I'm actually a women! But yeah my gadget is massive!